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Dec 11, 2014
By Glenn Mollette   Most Americans hope we never have to call the police. A call to the police usually means something bad is happening. However, we want the police if we need them. We hope tha…

Dec 11, 2014
Washington Update

Dec 11, 2014

Dec 11, 2014
Thursday, 4:33 a.m. This is about Missouri, Ferguson.  The young man selling cigars walks out in the middle of the street gets stopped by the police and ends up dead. That’s wrong. The young man i…

Dec 11, 2014
President Barack Obama said just before the recent Ferguson, Missouri, riots, "First and foremost, we are a nation built on the rule of law." Most Americans have little or no inkling of what "rule of…

Dec 8, 2014
Dear Editor,   The downtown courthouse site was not the winner of the three options on the ballot and a honest election should be held.  It’s no wonder the commission is not trusted by the peop…

Dec 8, 2014
The grand jury decision in the Ferguson, Missouri police shooting case of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson was not even close. Twelve people, black and white, came to the right conclusion.  …

Dec 8, 2014
Wednesday Nov 26 6:16 a.m. Yes, people should step back and take a breath and read what actually happened in Ferguson with the police officer and the young man. The young man was a thug. He was hu…

Dec 8, 2014
Want to help your children save money and enjoy the season? Family time can be productive by hand making Christmas gifts together.  We have all received the awesome gift of a plaid tie or vanilla can…

Dec 8, 2014
Dear Editor,   Shame on the NFL for not disciplining the 5 RAM players in uniform protesting with raised hands, the “don’t shoot” stance right before the game. Thank God for Benjamin Watson, NF…
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