Aug 20, 2015
Santa Rosa County needs impact fees
Since 9.8 percent of the SRC population is below the poverty line and 7.5 percent of SRC seniors over 65 are below the poverty line, this increase in the gas tax should not even be considered.
Aug 19, 2015
Speak Out August 19
Thursday, August 13
This is AP. Now why is it that the Santa Rosa Press Gazette no longer carries the Walter Williams column? Thank you
Editor’s note: This decision was made by our publi…
Aug 17, 2015
Clinton emails a security risk
Dear Editor,
The Secretary of State position is forth in line for the presidency. The job curtails dealing with foreign governments around the world. In doing this job one must stay in contact …
Aug 17, 2015
Dave Granlund on Iowa
This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Dave Granlund on Iowa
Aug 14, 2015
The Fullness of Love
Emma's visit is coming to an end. My California daughter arrived last Sunday a week ago and is traveling home this (Saturday) morning. It’s always delightful when I have my three children in one plac…
Aug 13, 2015
County already voted for Sunday alcohol sales
Dear Editor,
Regarding the August 5 article regarding Sunday alcohol sales, the citizens of Santa RosaCounty have already voiced their opinion about alcohol sales when the county voted to allow…
Aug 13, 2015
President Jimmy Carter is still working and work will save this nation
America is only as good as our workers and doers. Dreamers are critical. Faith is vital. However, faith and dreams without works are dead.
Everywhere I travel these days I see Nigerians, Kenyan…