Mar 14, 2014
Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis
Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis welcomed speaker, Mayor Guy Thompson who spoke on the sound state of the city, the new Milton Tennis Complex, and the Riverfront Master Plan that will focus on the river wi…
Mar 14, 2014
Three Rivers Chapter, NSDAR March meeting
The Three Rivers Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, held their monthly meeting on March 8, at the Bagdad United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. A beautiful, and delicious, array of refr…
Mar 14, 2014
Santa Rosa Medical Center Birth Announcements
February 10
Queen Mariyah Thompson
Keiunne Singleton
David Thompson
February 13
Muggren Lorenzer Murphy, Jr.
Princess Sims and Muggren Lorenzer Murphy, Sr.
Mar 14, 2014
Morning Glory Circle speaker discusses rose pruning
At the February meeting of the Morning Glory Circle, we were delighted to have Merna Roberts as our guest speaker. Merna is president of the Rose Society of Northwest Florida and a local expert on r…
Mar 7, 2014
Santa Rosa Tea Party Patriots to meet
The Santa Rosa Tea Party Patriots will be meetingMonday, March 10, at 6:00 p.m., at Pace Community Center, on Chumuckla Hwy, Pace. The Santa Rosa Tea Party Patriots is an educational group discussin…
Mar 7, 2014
Santa Rosa County Retired Educators
The Santa Rosa County Retired Educators met February 10 in its usual meeting place in the Russell Building on the campus of Locklin Technical Center. The program for the day was given by Doreen Ingr…
Mar 5, 2014
New 4-H Agent, Prudence Caskey
Prudence Caskey has taken on the task of the next County Extension 4-H Agent. She was selected by the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Before accepting this position, Caskey was the Program As…
Mar 4, 2014
Boys and Girls Club of Emerald Coast present Jr. Youth of the Year award
Kai Sam was named “Jr. Youth of the Year,” at Boys and Girls Clubs of the Emerald Coast’s Annual Dinner. Youth of the Year is the Boys and Girls Club’s premier recognition program for club members, …
Jan 21, 2014
Navarre Garden Club membership meeting
The Navarre Garden Club with hold a general membership meeting on Feb. 4. The meeting will be held at the Tuscan Grill, Hidden Creek Golf Club. Social time begins at 9 a.m. with the meeting start…
Jan 21, 2014
Republican Club meets in Navarre Feb. 4
The Republican Club of Santa Rosa County will hold its next monthly meeting and Dutch Treat Dinnerat The Club at Hidden Creek, 3070 PGA Blvd, Navarre, FL 32566 at 6:30 p.m. On Tuesday, February 4. Th…