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Oct 23, 2012
The Florida Department of Education has apparently stepped in something stinky. We’re talking about the latest education standards based on ethnicity. According to this plan, hatched by those appoint…

Oct 23, 2012
What do you think could be done to increase bicyclist safety on the roadways? More bike lanes with better markings. I know some places that have bumps to separate motorists from the bike lanes. An…

Oct 19, 2012
Does anyone know how to reach Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe Cleaning out the e-mail boxes at the Press Gazette during political season can be quite a chore. It would rank right up there with him cleaning…

Oct 19, 2012
If you have a short comment you would like to make, call the Speak Out line at 623-5887. Longer comments are better suited as a letter to the editor. Wednesday, 9:10 p.m. This is to Sharon Glass a…

Oct 19, 2012
Here's a recent statement frequently suggested by leftist academics, think tank researchers and policymakers: "People were not just struggling because of their personal deficiencies. There were struc…

Oct 16, 2012
Next time you’re at the store, take note. There is an entire section dedicated to … water. You’ll find SmartWater, Voss, Dasani, Aquafina, and, oh yes, the one that started the fad of paying for wate…

Oct 16, 2012
I would like to respectfully respond to Mr. Raymond Johns’ recent letter to the editor regarding how he feels that “whites” hate the president because he is black. In the first place Mr. Johns, you s…

Oct 16, 2012
If you have a short comment you would like to make, call the Speak Out line at 623-5887. Longer comments are better suited as a letter to the editor. Sunday, 10:06 a.m. Yeah this is Bobby. I was l…

Oct 16, 2012
Eager to make amends for his boss’ debate debacle in Denver, Joe Biden left nothing to chance. He got to Kentucky early so he could adjust to the altitude. He took seven days off to study and practic…

Oct 12, 2012
Sports Scores- October 13, 2012
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