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Jan 17, 2014
Thursday 1:13 p.m. Yeah, call me L.L, Cool. The reason I called is on December 1 I got a letter from the county traffic company about the light at Glover and Caroline.  The letter said I ran a red…

Jan 13, 2014
It's Downton Abbey time again.  Most people look forward to  a particular season of sport, or even the beginning of the new television season in early fall. Some even have great anticipation of summe…

Jan 7, 2014
Dear Editor:   I believe it is time for everyone in Santa Rosa County and the surrounding areas of the Blackwater River State Forest, annex of 1,100acres just north of NAS Whiting Field, to …

Jan 7, 2014
Thursday 5:36 p.m. This is Yvonne and I know this is the season for giving and receiving, and I have received the best gift of all today.  On the day after Christmas while shopping at Kmart here i…

Jan 7, 2014
It was the year of lies that finally revealed the true Obama. His ObamaCare sales pitch, "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, period” – a lie. Saying before the election that the…

Jan 7, 2014
Dear Editor,   No thank you. We, the people of Santa Rosa County, do not want your one million dollar gift to us. Thanks anyhow Mr. Byron Cotton for trying to give us 15 acres of land to bui…

Jan 7, 2014
Written by Penny. D. Cobb-Jones   Class of 1981   Those were the Days… Playing HOP Scotch  "Mama May I"  Red Light Hide n Go Seek  Pick Up Sticks Watching Papa Robinson eat his favor…

Jan 7, 2014
How come most women begin the New Year torturing themselves with beginning a diet? It makes most people dread the coming year.  No one wants to hear the word “diet” or even see the word.  We're al…

Jan 7, 2014
Dear Editor:   Words can't express how grateful we are for the kindness shown to us in the loss of our loved one Charlie Turner.  We truly appreciate the prayers, love, care, concern and suppor…

Jan 7, 2014
Saturday 12:44 p.m.   This is Roy from Pace.  I just read in an older edition of the SRPG Dec. 11 about a man that said he was the oldest living WWII veteran in SRC and he's 94. That's all well…
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