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Aug 25, 2014
Dear Editor,         We often hear in our area that the federal government is too large and attempts (far too often) to find government solutions to problems which would be better remedied thro…

Aug 18, 2014
Tuesday 6:13 a.m. I think the people need to look at the VA bill that has been passed. This is Kenneth. If you look at the VA bill, you’ll see that the primary purpose of the bill was to get votes…

Aug 18, 2014
Dear Editor,   If my Jewish doctor hadn’t called me the day before the pro-Israel rally in Seville Square, I would have missed the most exhilarating event in some time. Kudos to Mike Bates for …

Aug 18, 2014
At some point around 12 years-old, my mother explained to me the importance of a hope chest and gave me a set of pink dishes to save for my future family. Today, I have the same hope chest plus three…

Aug 18, 2014
Dear Editor,   The free market determines what people earn. Government is the only entity that determines its own pay. Santa Rosa County is under attack with a jobless market. First responders …

Aug 14, 2014
Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera accused Matt Drudge's website of "the worst kind of jingoistic rhetoric ever" for carrying news stories about the dangers of illegal immigration. He said Drudge …

Aug 14, 2014
Wednesday, 10:20  a.m.   Your puzzles and the whole page is the same as last week. You all rarely mess up but you did this time.   Editor’s note: Due to a clerical error the Diversion pag…

Aug 14, 2014
My name is Aaron Little and I’ve been writing for the Press Gazette for a few months now. Before diving into my first column, I think a little background is in order. I’ve seen a good amount of this …

Aug 14, 2014
Dear Editor,           Negative campaigns can inject anger and hatred into the community and poison public discourse, damages business relationships and hurts the economy. Milton belongs to all th…

Aug 14, 2014
Dear Editor, Of the many choices facing concerned voters this election cycle, one of the most important is the designation of the location for the Santa Rosa County courthouse. It is well known th…
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