Sep 29, 2014
Speak Out September 27
Monday 3:09 p.m.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak whatever’s on my mind. I’d like to say that the greedy lawyers are at it again trying to keep robbing BP for money and got people standing i…
Sep 29, 2014
Milton lost a friend, Ed Peacher
Dear Editor,
Last Tuesday Milton lay to rest one of its stellar residents, Mr. Ed Peacher. When I first took over Milton Benevolent Cemetery some dozen years ago, it was Mr. Peacher who spear…
Sep 29, 2014
Do Statistical Disparities Mean Injustice?
How many times have we heard laments such as "women are 50 percent of the population but only 5 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs" and, as the Justice Department recently found, "blacks are 54 percent of t…
Sep 29, 2014
School personnel should have union
There has been a lot of opinions in the paper about the school bus drivers wanting a union. All the opinions I’ve seen seem to be negative. I would like to say I’m in favor of them having a union and…
Sep 25, 2014
Fence jumping
Dear Editor,
Watching the news Sunday morning I saw where a second person in as many days had again jumped the Whitehouse fence. They also reported the individual would appear in court on Mon…
Sep 25, 2014
Speak Out September 24
Wednesday 7:29 p.m.
This is Bobby. For Wednesday’s Speak Out column, here are a couple things. One person in there said we shouldn’t be criticizing the president. I don’t know why he’s exempt. No …
Sep 25, 2014
Iraq: The Closest Obama’s Been to Being Right— Until Now
By Ron Hart
Obama has not been particularly engaged in Iraq. He concluded that he is so likable that people in the media heap massive kudos on him for anything he does. Why shouldn’t terrori…
Sep 25, 2014
Amendment 1: 20 years of taxation without representation
Environmental groups complain dollars to buy conservation land have been drastically cut since 2009. But, to anyone paying attention, state revenues dropped drastically because of a horrible recessi…
Sep 25, 2014
Beating up the bad guy
This week in Wandering Truth, like many other writers, I’ll speak on ISIS, the latest threat from the Middle East. ISIS, ISIL, IS, whatever they’re called, they’re brutal thugs. No one with any sense…
Sep 22, 2014
Speak Out September 20
Monday 2:27 a.m.
Hello, this is Marian. I am anxious to know how the new mayor, city council members, and new county commissioners are going to handle the turmoil our city and county are in becaus…