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Sep 9, 2015
September 2 Yes this is Elizabeth. I was just reading the remarks by Renaldo in the paper. Number one, I was wondering if Renaldo has children, are they in school? Number two, maybe he needs to fin…

Sep 7, 2015
Dear Editor,       Israel now stands alone in the face of Iran's evil thoughts and actions. Republicans have relinquished their power of Congressional oversight with what a liberal President descri…

Sep 5, 2015
Let us know what's on your mind

Sep 3, 2015
Dear Editor,   Your lead story on the bridge into Milton was excellent. I’m sorry more citizens haven’t responded. Bridges have a single purpose, to move pedestrians and vehicles over an obstacle…

Sep 3, 2015
Dear Editor,   Before we know it election day will be upon us. My heart is saddened when I consider those eligible to vote may not, as in the past, apathy consumes them. I have just counted the n…

Sep 3, 2015
I went to college in Tucson at the University of Arizona. I’m a proud Wildcat alumni and am happy to have parlayed my writing degree into a job. Going to school, I lived at home part of the time, and…

Sep 2, 2015
Thursday, August 27   Yeah this is Renaldo, I was just wondering if Santa RosaCounty has a truancy officer, you know on any given day you can go to Wal-Mart, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.…

Aug 31, 2015
Dear Editor,   Saturday’s newspaper article by Kent Bush is anti-Rush Limbaugh, anti-Glen Beck, and anti-gun.  Not the type of columnist the typical local Northwest Floridian likes to read.  Bad …

Aug 31, 2015
Dear Editor,      Who is this guy Rick Holmes ?  The Santa Rosa Press Gazette published a guest editorial on August 26, 2015,  “Remembering Prohibition, and Learning From It.” Like many media per…

Aug 31, 2015
Four years ago, most of us wouldn’t have predicted award-winning TV series would debut via online streaming on websites such as Netflix and Hulu and would never be aired on cable or network televisio…
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