Mar 25, 2016
HOLT: A New Season
We all have seasons in life. Sometimes those seasons are short and others, they seem to last forever. I’ve reached an end to a delightful term of 2 ½ years.
This is my last edition as editor of San…
Mar 23, 2016
SPEAK OUT: March 23
Thursday, March 17
This is Tony the Critic, I just want to advise people thinking about attending a church to follow Speak Out for a while and you will soon observe people claiming to be Christians…
Mar 21, 2016
We need a Constitutional amendment
Dear Editor,
Why is it that the only political solution to a problem with our country the answer is to spend money? Democratic ideology is free immigration, pay them with federal and state …
Mar 12, 2016
SPEAK OUT: March 12
March 8
This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. It seems to me that Donald Trump doesn’t know a president of a country is supposed to be a leader and a servant to the people, not a dictator. His …
Mar 10, 2016
The Holy Alphabet
Dear Editor,
It’s almost Easter again. Christians will celebrate God’s greatest gift, the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ. Here’s the Holy Alphabet, Author Unknown:
Although things are not …
Mar 10, 2016
Raising a Risk-averse Generation
Recently released statistics show that the percentage of adults younger than 30 who own a private business is the lowest in 30 years. Today, only 3.6 percent own a stake in a private company, compare…
Mar 7, 2016
ECUA price increase unwarranted
Dear Editor,
Less than a year and a half since the Santa Rosa County Board of CountyCommissioners forced its residents to use ECUA for trash pickup services, ECUA has gone up in price. ECUA claim…
Mar 3, 2016
No promised protection of our borders
Dear Editor,
Today's establishment Republican Party says it represents the party of Lincoln, Reagan and "We the People." I say it doesn't represent Reagan's Presidency because in Reagan's a…
Mar 3, 2016
What happens to the Czars after Obama leaves office?
Dear Editor,
Forty-four faces of “Czars” appear on the cover of Newsmax, December, 2009. David A. Patten’s article, “All the President’s Czars” including glimpses of the dossiers of “Who’s Who …