Mar 11, 2013
Visit aboard virtual aircraft carrier Ambition
As part of the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation’s Discovery Saturday series, Chip Yarbrough, National Flight Academy program director, and Dr. Dave Dawson, University of West Florida & National Fligh…
Mar 11, 2013
Four crashes in four days; one dead
Four crashes in four days have left one man dead, three in serious condition and five with minor injuries.
The most serious involved Steven Michael Cobbett, 57, who died at the scene of the one-ve…
Mar 11, 2013
Culinary Competition cook-off at Bennett Russell Elementary
The Santa Rosa County School system is holding a healthy eating habits competition.
We’re thrilled to introduce this great new concept to your schools, “Future Chefs”
The whole concept of this …
Mar 11, 2013
Erby and Janet Adams celebrate 60th wedding anniversary
Erby and Janet Adams celebrate 60 year Wedding Anniversary
Wed in England March 11, 1953 at Leiston Methodist Church, Aldenburgh, Suffolk, England. Sons are Erby and Mark, daughter-in-law Debora …
Mar 11, 2013
City of Milton Meetings
The City of Milton’s Public Safety Committee will meet on Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in Conference Room B at City Hall, 6738 Dixon Street, Milton, FL. For further information on the meet…
Mar 11, 2013
Family loses 2nd parent after fire
Dorothy Musgrave died last week from injuries incurred in a fire at her home. She was at a burn unit in Mobile at the time of her death. Her husband George was confined to a wheelchair, and died at t…
Mar 11, 2013
Sheriff's Office adds cell phone app for public
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office announced Monday the release of their free Smartphone application, which will keep citizens informed about major events, news, warrants and allow them to easily…
Mar 10, 2013
Milton man dies in early Sunday motorcycle crash
A second motorcycle accident at Hwy 90 and Smith's Fish Camp Road in less than two weeks has left a second biker dead.
The Florida Highway Patrol is reporting Stephen Craig Hughes, 52, Milton, ha…
Mar 7, 2013
10 historic markers to be placed in Santa Rosa
The Santa Rosa Tourism Development Council will place 10 new markers around the county during the next several years to highlight one of area's biggest assets: its history.
The first historic mark…
Mar 5, 2013
Students take first place in Remote Operated Vehicle competition
Santa Rosa Christian School took first place at the Deep-C/Remote Operated Vehicle Competition at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in Alabama this weekend.
The event brought together six schools – each …