Oct 23, 2014
Auditions for “How Johnnie Mae Got Her Groove On”
PCARA Productions is seeking adult females, males, and gospel recording artists who are interested in acting in the comedy stage play, "How Johnnie Mae Got Her Groove On." The auditions will be held…
Oct 23, 2014
Experience matters more than age with young-adult driver safety
Experience behind the wheel may matter more than age when it comes to the safety of young-adult drivers, according to two new studies by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. These results suggest t…
Oct 23, 2014
A Ghostly Tour of Milton
The Santa Rosa Historical Society is proud to present the 14th Annual Ghosts of Milton Walking Tour. This Friday and Saturday, Ghost Walk tours will leave the Imogene Theatre every 10 minutes beginni…
Oct 20, 2014
Panhandle Community Theatre presents "The Housekeeper"
Written by James Prideaux
Directed by Bonnie Marks
Live Theatre Comedy
Newly alone, a pretentious, reclusive novelist hires a housekeeper to cook and clean for him. He finds his new employee…
Oct 20, 2014
Dream Players Murder Mysteries presents COSTUME CONTEST
On October 24th at the Bagdad Village Museum, 4516 Church St, Bagdad,
Ruth Bugby’s Mascarade Costume party takes place. When we learn Frederick has crashed the Stock Market and believes the world …
Oct 20, 2014
Santa Rosa Kids’ House to host 5th Annual Festival of Trees
Santa Rosa Kids’ House (SRKH) will host its Fifth (5) Annual Festival of Trees on Friday, November 21st and Saturday, November 22nd. This event will take place at the beautifully restored Imogene The…
Oct 20, 2014
Beaches to Woodlands celebrates final week of tour
The final full week of activities for the 11th Annual Beaches to Woodlands Tour of Santa Rosa County features a variety of Halloween-themed events, more farm fun, sea life, a kiln opening and more.
Oct 20, 2014
Upgrade coming for county emergency analog system
This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Upgrade coming for county emergency analog system
Oct 16, 2014
Local hunters tell a gator tale
James Fink and Tracy Brown killed this approximately 365 lb, 11’ 6” alligator while hunting in the Escambia River. Brown said the two spent two hours fighting what he said was known as “The Quintette…
Oct 16, 2014
Pyrates give back in many ways
According to Captain Whitebeard, (Walt Schumann), this year’s Ghost Walk, put on by the Santa Rosa Historical Society (SRHS), will have the most spectacular performance by the Blackwater Pyrates to d…