Feb 10, 2014
The convenience of being green
Pace, 1994: One day my husband came home from work one day with a sticker. He walked over to the trash can and carefully labeled the front of it and stepped away. I read the sticker and said, "you'…
Feb 6, 2014
Speak out Feb. 5
Speak out for February 5
Monday 8:06 a.m.
Hi this is Steven. Baraq Obama says he has a pen and a phone. Now he has the proper tools to achieve. He can use the phone to call Governo…
Feb 6, 2014
We all have something to prove
During our ice-apocalypse, I noticed my animals all had something to prove of themselves at Holt Homestead. All of the animals at our home are loved and cared for. However, they all have a job to do…
Jan 27, 2014
Clotheslines, past and present
My mind has wondered to spring lately. Perhaps it's the cold and damp seeping into my bones making me think warmer thoughts.
Recently, I've revealed my love for farm and family and I've received …
Jan 21, 2014
Old Man Winter strikes again
The wind blows cold and we’ve seen the realities of bitter temperatures and frozen pipes in Santa Rosa County. While the county usually experiences what we consider a cold winter, this extreme within…
Jan 21, 2014
Cowboy Cooking: Santa Rosa’s link to the past
You slap a mosquito and it startles your horse. You give her a pat; she settles down. You look around for your dog and spot him herding a couple of stray cattle back to the herd. A half dozen more ca…
Jan 21, 2014
Woman on the Edge: Dirty little secret
I’ve been accused of being boring in my column.
Mister, you don’t know the half of it. Boring is good, my man. I’ve worked really hard to get to the point of a boring life. You want to hear someth…
Jan 20, 2014
Kindness in the hen house
I have a small farm. I have two goats, about 25 chickens, (including a blind rooster named Foghorn), a dog and three cats.
My chickens are a motley crew. I have several different types and they…
Jan 17, 2014
Speak Out – January 15
Thursday 1:13 p.m.
Yeah, call me L.L, Cool. The reason I called is on December 1 I got a letter from the county traffic company about the light at Glover and Caroline. The letter said I ran a red…
Jan 17, 2014
Woman on the Edge: Decisions
All of us have to make decisions in life. These decisions fall on many different levels of difficulty – everything from what to eat and what to wear to where to live and what to do with our lives.