Apr 13, 2018
Speak Out: Press Gazette readers' calls
Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline. THE COMMISSION ALREADY BOUGHT PROPERTY This is James. I just want to make a follow-up comment I made on the courthouse resolution. I left off the part that the county commissioners have already bought property on Avalon Blvd…That’s what I was making the comment on where […]
Apr 13, 2018
LETTER: City fires county's Man of the Year
Dear editor,
Who is in charge of the City Council? Last night at the City Council meeting, the City was dealt the worst blow that has taken place since I have lived in Milton (since 2003). The may…
Apr 13, 2018
LETTER: Our problem is how government spends money
Dear editor,
New Jersey Democrat Senator Cory Booker at the 2016 DNC said our Founding Fathers used the word "savages" to describe Indians in our Constitution. The word "savages" does not a…
Apr 13, 2018
LETTER: City takes leap forward in firing manager
Dear Editor,
I have regularly attended Milton City Council meetings for many years. Last Tuesday night, April 10, the Council took its biggest leap forward in a long time by firing city Manager Br…
Apr 13, 2018
LETTER: Milton is wallowing in depravity
Dear editor,
We cannot ever "count out God" Hallelujah! But, we must realize that sometimes God allows us to stew in our own juices and that is where Milton is right now.
The desolation …
Apr 7, 2018
Speak Out: Press Gazette readers' calls
Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline. COURTHOUSE TRAFFIC This is Joe. Even though they have four-laned Avalon Boulevard to the interstate, traffic during the day is still extremely busy and hard to navigate. I'm wondering if the Santa Rosa County Commissioners ever did a study to see, if they built the courthouse […]
Apr 3, 2018
Speak Out: Press Gazette readers' calls
Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline.
"They need to trim those bushes in the road there on 90 because my friend had to go almost into the road to see traffic …
Apr 3, 2018
Access to my checking account?
Dear Dave,
Will paying my taxes online give the government electronic access to my checking account?
— Ashley
Dear Ashley,
If you use your checking account, of course they will have the a…
Mar 20, 2018
LETTER: Gun laws should be made with logic, not emotion
Dear editor,
The two human traits that drive human decisions are emotion and logic but seldom are they both used when human decisions are made. Marriage and divorce are normally made from o…