Jul 5, 2018
No religious test
Dear editor,
The leftist, socialist Democrats have falsely claimed that "no religious test" can be applied for the purpose of immigration decisions even if those entering our nation believe in Isl…
Jul 3, 2018
Why not celebrate this Fourth of July with turkey?
On the Fourth of July, every American celebrates the founding of our nation and its traditions. This year, you could celebrate it the usual way with burgers and hotdogs. Or, you could follow in the f…
Jul 3, 2018
The Declarations of Independence?
The Fourth of July is one of the most important holidays in the United States. For Americans, it commemorates the colonists’ decision to declare their independence from the British king and his empir…
Jul 3, 2018
The Secret Lives of Words: The 4th of July, Julius, and a band of little Caesars
On the Fourth of July, 1776, members of the Second Continental Congress approved the final version of the Declaration of Independence, formally separating America’s 13 colonies from the British crown…
Jul 3, 2018
Without laws there is only chaos
Dear editor,
Again "ANTIFA" protesters at ICE government buildings have reiterated their belief in "no borders", "no walls", and furthermore "no nations", a more or less "One World Order."
Jun 29, 2018
Today's media is propaganda
Dear editor,
I completely agree with Mr. King and his views regarding the state of main stream media these days. The main stream media is guilty of lies by omission, either by not reporting on the …
Jun 29, 2018
Milton concerned citizens
Dear editor,
To give you a little background, I am the chairwoman of Milton Concerned Citizens, a fourth generation Miltonian, and a 1975 graduate of Milton High. I live in, and operate a business…
Jun 29, 2018
Believe what Democrats say, not what Democrats did
Dear editor,
There is a common phrase associated with Democrats being "do as I say not as I do."
This brings me to Elizabeth Warren's visit to the immigration retention centers and her comments. …
Jun 29, 2018
On the ledge
This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: On the ledge