Dec 7, 2018
Hold out for the light
Dec.10 marks the end of Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish festival of lights.
Hanukkah is centered on a story set in the second century BCE, during a siege of the Second Jewish Temple by the Syrians. …
Dec 7, 2018
Cultivate friendships this Christmas season
Dear editor,
What blessings Bush 43 and British Brian Mulroney’s eulogies of Pres. Bush 41. The latter ended with "There are wooden ships. There are sailing ships. There are ships that sail the se…
Dec 7, 2018
Democrats playing judicial politics
Dear editor,
Presley Harper's Dec. 4th letter using the words "impotent – and I don't mean physically impotent" is a new low for Presley. The fact he used that wording was his leftist Democrat "in…
Dec 7, 2018
Year of growth
Dear editor,
The past year has been a strong one for growth in our economy, both nationally and here in Florida.
We can continue to do more, particularly to ensure that we have the right elements…
Dec 4, 2018
Donald Trump
Dear editor,
Dear editor,
On TV this evening (Nov. 30), I heard former Florida Republican Congressman, David Jolly say, “The one person that knows all of Donald Trump’s lies is Vladimir Putin.”
Dec 4, 2018
Listen to grandparents
Dear editor,
The best books can remain unread, could be pushed to the back unnoticed. I can’t help but think of our senior citizens, so much stored up in their book of remembrance.
They have had …
Dec 4, 2018
Milton Post Office
Dear editor,
Thank you for exposing the criminality and incompetency of the Milton Postal Service. I had previously thought, perhaps, our area in East Milton was singled out for non-delivery and pi…
Dec 3, 2018
Life’s goal is to learn love
Dear editor,
As the Christmas season approaches in America, gift giving emerges as a show of love. Why? I think it’s related to the Bible verse that we all know [John 3:16 For God so loved the wor…
Dec 3, 2018
One problem is political activist judges
Dear editor,
A recent federal judge's decision over asylum claiming immigration was criticized by President Trump. My purpose at this time is not to debate the judge's decision but to discuss John …
Nov 27, 2018
Addiction can affect anyone
Dear editor,
Fentanyl is the strongest opiate on the streets right now and it’s estimated to be 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin. Not only is fentanyl sold on t…