Oct 30, 2013
Obama Foreign Policy: Credibility Lost Is Seldom Regained
With all the mistakes made on domestic issues like the economy, ObamaCare, unleashing the IRS on political opponents, rampant regulations, deficit spending, etc., we forget Obama’s disastrous foreign…
Oct 23, 2013
A Legacy of Giving: Instilling a spirit of giving in our children
Everyone wants to make their mark on the world, to make a difference in a way that their impact will be felt for years after they are gone. I believe one of the best ways to do this is to create a L…
Oct 23, 2013
Woman on the Edge: Peaceful easy feeling
A dear friend of the Press Gazette has been in the hospital for what seems like more than a month. She had major surgery and is experiencing a lot of ups and downs. She was our typesetter for years. …
Oct 23, 2013
Democrat Socialist Takeover?
"The end justifies the means" is a phrase often used through out history by democrats. What that phrase means is no action is out of bounds to achieve the wanted result. These same people believe in …
Oct 23, 2013
Debt Ceiling the Only Mechanism to Control Spending Now
In dysfunctional and ideologically-driven Washington, it seems the only way to slow out-of-control spending is with the debt ceiling votes. Republicans control only one-half of one-third of the gover…
Oct 22, 2013
Speak Out – October 19, 2013
Tuesday — 2:43 p.m.
Yeah, where is Sarah Palin? Didn't she come at the aid of the speaker of the house?
Anyway, who care about her? She was history in the past, but that's okay. I beg Preside…
Oct 22, 2013
Speak Out – October 16, 2013
Friday — 7:58 a.m.
Yeah, this is Bobby. I don't know what time shift change is for the deputies in Santa Rosa County, but it's 7:58 a.m. right now. I just met four of them turning in to go to th…
Oct 14, 2013
Speak Out – October 12, 2013
Tuesday — 8:21 p.m.
Hey, this is Dennis. I'm not an economist. I'm a simple working man. My economic theory is simple. You need more money coming in each month than you spend and you cannot borr…
Oct 14, 2013
Speak Out – October 9, 2013
Thursday — 10:23 a.m.
Yeah, this is Bobby. From listening to all the debate, back and forth about the government shutdown, basically everything since Obama's been in office. We don't need but on…
Oct 8, 2013
Speak Out — October 5, 2013
Monday — 2:57 p.m.
Yes, good afternoon, this is Billy in Blackwater. I want everybody to know that the doe deer in the forest now have, on the average of two-week-old spotted fawns. Bow season c…