Dec 24, 2013
Woman on the Edge: Karma, baby, Karma
When I was growing up, I would roll my eyes at adults who told us how things were when they were kids.
But here I am, all grown up, mostly, and I’ve got a gripe. Let the eye rolling commence.
Dec 24, 2013
Woman on the Edge: Just ask
I’ve been working on my relationship with God. Started going to church again on a regular basis. I began taking the grandkids and my young daughter as well.
There is something about walking throug…
Dec 24, 2013
Woman on the Edge: The way it usta be
I’ve become one of those people who give directions by telling people where things used to be. Usta be.
When we moved to Milton in 1995, I drove around in my car to learn the town, the streets. I …
Dec 24, 2013
Woman on the Edge: Tough love
I first heard of tough love when I was in my twenties. I thought to myself, “I will be that kind of parent – will always do what I have to do to make my child strong.”
It’s a great idea, a…
Dec 24, 2013
Ron Hart: Jang-o Unchained—Kim Jung Un Offs His Uncle
The very public execution of Comrade Jang Song Thaek, the uncle of North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un, reminds us of the brutal nature of dynastic power and what totalitarian Communist dictators do.
Dec 24, 2013
Woman on the Edge: Four kids at a parade
There were four children standing together on the side of Stewart St. watching the Milton Christmas parade last weekend and I cannot get them out of my mind.
They didn’t have a bag for the candy w…
Dec 24, 2013
Woman on the Edge: Picture this!
I’ve been asked to speak at one of our elementary schools on career day next month.
I’m really excited about explaining to elementary school students how the production of a newspaper has changed …
Dec 24, 2013
Woman on the Edge: Kent
Kent was my friend.
We met over the Internet and became friends five years ago. He was a police officer and he played in a band. He was having personal problems and we exchanged emails. I offered …
Dec 24, 2013
Guest Editorial: Christmas Is About Hanging in There
A lot of people have given up.
My father fell off a barn when I was about thirteen years old. He cracked his vertebrae and missed about six months of work. There was no unemployment insurance, or…
Dec 24, 2013
Woman on the Edge: Christmas spirit
Some years in the recent past just didn’t feel like Christmas.
I made a point this year to find Christmas this year and to enjoy it.
And I have.
The children in my life, I must admit, have h…