Mar 28, 2014
Santa Rosa County Courthouse Debate: Business owner’s point of view
Dear Editor,
I’ve been keeping up with the proposals, comments and concerns over where to put the new Santa Rosa County Courthouse and would like to share my perspective as the owner of a bus…
Mar 28, 2014
$50 million for an All-Nighter
Right out of an episode of House of Cards, about half of Senate Democrats did what a big donor wanted. They pulled an all-nighter to give lip service to global warming. Hedge fund manager Tom Steyer…
Mar 28, 2014
Jesus was there; Good Samaritan wasn’t
Dear Editor,
I moved to Santa Rosa County for a better quality of life than I ha found in Escambia County for the past 17 years. Living in American Farms, the country life is a good start and…
Mar 28, 2014
Speak Out 3-26
Thursday 8:38 a.m.
Hi, this is Judy and I see the courthouse will be left to the majority, and there are only two locations. I would still like the original site to be on that ballot, because…
Mar 21, 2014
Crunchy or silky mom
There’s a new labeling for women called “crunchy moms.” I have only just heard of this. After doing some research about this new branding, I realized I was crunchy or, maybe “scrunchy” before it was …
Mar 18, 2014
Military spending: Fewer good men
“Defense is not a budget issue. You spend what you need.”
Ronald Reagan
We currently spend more on defense than the next 13 highest spending countries combined. China is second at $125 bil…
Mar 18, 2014
Palin wows GPAC
Dear Editor,
Our gal, Palin, wowed everybody at GPAC with her parody on Green Eggs and Ham.
“I do not like this, Uncle Sam.
I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these di…
Mar 18, 2014
SPEAK OUT March 15
Thursday, 1:05 p.m.
Hi this is Jean. I just returned from the RSVP Senior Expo at Milton's Community Center. While I was having some test done in one of the rooms, I notice some large prints …
Mar 14, 2014
Old news on the web
Dear Editor,
Your content online is almost crazy old. I am looking at articles that are all dated from late January and it is mid March. If you want to be a respected publication, please upd…