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Apr 28, 2014

Apr 28, 2014
Dear Editor,         The East Milton Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office, Jail complex was bungled by the county commissioners from day one. My opinion is the intent was to never build a county courth…

Apr 28, 2014
The similarities between Putin and Obama are many. They both conjure up fake crises to get what they want. Putin says Crimea wanted him—so he takes a piece of Ukraine. Obama said our healthcare syste…

Apr 25, 2014
My mother once felt bad because we didn't have an ashtray in our house. Many of our relatives smoked. They would come to our house and sit for an hour or more and light up while sitting in the living…

Apr 25, 2014
Thursday 9:41 p.m.   This is Jesse from Pace. I went out to Strick cemetary today because it was my granddaughter's birthday. I went with my son and daughter in law and the graves out there, so…

Apr 21, 2014
Dear Editor,   I am dismayed by the lack of understanding by a vocal few regarding the courthouse issue. The recent "Weary of wasted expenditures by local government" letter is another example.…

Apr 21, 2014
Wednesday 5:51 a.m.   This is Judy and again I would like to have the present location of the Santa Rosa courthouse on the ballot to be able to vote for it. I dot not want a courthouse in East …

Apr 18, 2014
Dear Editor,   As Christians we are very prone to file Holy Days like Passover in the “Christ did away with all of that” circular file and never give it another thought. Let’s have a little fun…

Apr 18, 2014
Speak Out   Saturday 11:47 a.m.   Yes I think people around Santa Rosa County, especially Milton have to check on the freshness of seafood in the restaurants. I said to the people to chec…

Apr 18, 2014
Dear Editor,          Peter Young wrote in a local newspaper "We should encourage our people to vote, not make it harder." I totally agree (with Young) in encouraging everybody to vote, I also …
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