Jun 17, 2014
Father's Day – spend time with your children
I wish I had been a better father. I wonder if anybody else has felt this way?
It seems like yesterday that my two beautiful sons Jared and Zachary were only small children. What happened to …
Jun 12, 2014
We must change how we are raising our children
I sold Grit newspapers when I nine years old. It was always a great day when I had sold my last Grit for the week. The profit was five cents per paper. Some weeks I made as much as two dollars! I li…
Jun 12, 2014
Energy only rich can afford does no good
Dear Editor,
I agree with Bill Calfee; climate change or global warming should not be a left vs. right issue. I pointed out that there are other facts to the subject. I could have includ…
Jun 12, 2014
Speak Out June 11
Thursday 11:30 a.m.
This is Bobby. Pensacola State College Project Challenge offers a free college course and text book for minority males who are at least 17 and have finished high school. S…
Jun 12, 2014
Pace incorporation not beneficial
Dear Editor,
Regarding the letter and the speak-out statement in favor of incorporating Pace, I am in total and complete disagreement. I can think of no way incorporation of Pace would b…
Jun 12, 2014
Our rights are eroding
Dear Editor,
I just heard about Harry Reid and his democratic cronies are actively pushing for repeal of our First Amendment right, free speech, via Senate Judiciary Bill 19 being considered …
Jun 9, 2014
The VA Mess is ObamaCare in Ten Years – or Sooner
“Wow, there’s fraud, inefficiency and dishonesty at the VA hospitals?” said no one – except Democrats in D.C.
Not only did Obama feign surprise, other Democrats said they were "shocked" by th…
Jun 9, 2014
Get the whole story first
Dear Editor,
In reference to the story “Hotel fire leads to meth lab arrest,” we are disappointed your paper did not thoroughly investigate the story before going to print.
Here’s what hap…
Jun 9, 2014
Speak Out June 7
Speak Out
Monday 7:07 a.m.
Yes, this is Nita. I'm very disgusted about the transportation for the elderly here in Milton. It's time to change out the commissioners and make sure that …
Jun 9, 2014
Hasty prayers
Last fall my daughter Emily got married. She’s my youngest of my three girls and moved the furthest away. She now lives with her husband Chaz in Twentyninepalms, California as he is a marine and stat…