Aug 8, 2014
Pace needs a community facility
Dear Editor,
The Concern Citizens of Pace Facebook page is introducing a Good, Better, Best Campaign and they are looking for community support and conversation. In 2007, a Pace Area Plan was…
Aug 8, 2014
Speak Out August 6
Thursday 9:50 a.m.
This is AW. I read the article about the logging trucks and the city limits of Milton and Berryhill Rd. It’s so dangerous because of the schools and the hospital. Also, the truc…
Aug 8, 2014
Police and first responders not paid enough
Dear Editor,
I am responding to the letter to the editor in the July 26 edition, by Edward Miller.
I normally don't read newspapers but my wife brought yours home. I read the letter from E…
Aug 5, 2014
Hanging my apron at home
My front door needs to go away. It’s nasty. It’s the original door to the house, built in 1980. It’s a steel door and has several coats of paint but rust has eaten through in several places and paint…
Aug 5, 2014
Our View: Florida State Standards lacks validation
Addressing the contention about Florida State Standards, FSS, (otherwise known as federally mandated Common Core), we are aware of the consensus that Santa Rosa County is not pleased their students w…
Aug 5, 2014
Speak Out August 2
Monday 4:34 p.m.
Yes, I live near Avalon Blvd and travel that road often. I’m concerned and amazed at the lack of work taking place on that small, unfinished portion. Today is Monday, July 28. I t…
Jul 29, 2014
The pressing choices of a shopper
We live in a microwave society. Put the food in the oven, press the button and presto. However, most do not have the patience to wait for the extra long minute to warm up a cup of coffee. I’ve seen t…
Jul 29, 2014
Cops and first-responders paid enough
Dear Editor,
If the deputies want more money, let them get a real job. The cops get to play with all kinds of guns, drive fast cars and do all kinds of fun cop stuff, all on the tax payer’s d…
Jul 29, 2014
America's Growing Nest, time for some to fly out
Flying never happens until the bird leaves the nest.
President Johnson's Great Society is just over fifty years old. During this very long period America's great society nest has become huge …
Jul 29, 2014
Speak Out July 26
Wednesday 4:07 p.m.
My comment is in reference to the Santa Rosa Deputy Sheriffs parking, like one in the church driveway on Berryhill Rd for hours at a time just sitting there. I think we’re payi…