Sep 8, 2014
A special thank you to a Good Samaritan
Dear Editor,
On August 25 about 3:30 p.m. at the Santa Rosa Hospital Rehab parking side door, my angel appeared. My car wouldn’t run for the third time in about a month. A gentleman came to m…
Sep 8, 2014
Blacks Must Confront Reality
Though racial discrimination exists, it is nowhere near the barrier it once was. The relevant question is: How much of what we see today can be explained by racial discrimination? This is an importan…
Sep 8, 2014
Creative mockery, a parenting staple
Parenting is not easy and I do not take the responsibility of rearing children lightly. I was reminded of certain things Dan and I did to correct behavior of our children when they were at their wors…
Sep 8, 2014
No settlement for those injured in 2010 BP blowout
Dear Editor,
Politicians and British Petroleum, (BP), have blitzed the obvious damage due to the Gulf oil clearly caused by the Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20, 2010. Federal and stat…
Sep 5, 2014
Things I Don't Understand
There are things that really puzzle me. Some life insurance companies charge lower premiums if you haven't made a life-shortening lifestyle choice. Being a nonsmoker is one of them. Actuarially, that…
Sep 5, 2014
Voters turn out for primary disappointing
It is extraordinary to think about all of the voices we’ve heard at the Santa Rosa Press Gazette this summer, including opinions about issues regarding the leadership of both the county and city, and…
Sep 5, 2014
Speak Out September 3
Friday 9:50 a.m.
This is Bobby. Mayor Thompson is always talking about the city needing to clean up and look better this and that. It’s Friday and I just drove down Willing Street and there i…
Sep 5, 2014
Pace student records single, working on big time career
Samantha LaPorta is learning early in life what it means to be an artist. At the tender age of 12, Samantha recently travelled to Nashville to talk with a recording group who wants to train her for a…
Sep 2, 2014
Technology upgrades
I was a teenager in the 80’s. I’ve watched a major change in technology throughout my lifetime. When I was younger and the television would get a bit frazzled, my dad would tell me to ‘bop’ the TV, …
Sep 2, 2014
What works may not work for everyone
So, dear reader, I’ve come to the end of my series on alternative energy with two quite disparate types: wind and nuclear. While I am expressing my opinion on these various kinds of energy, I hope my…