Sep 22, 2014
Speak Out September 20
Monday 2:27 a.m.
Hello, this is Marian. I am anxious to know how the new mayor, city council members, and new county commissioners are going to handle the turmoil our city and county are in becaus…
Sep 22, 2014
Mounting Silver to fight ISIS, Americans are sick of
By Glenn Mollette
When I was a child I never got tired of watching the television program The Lone Ranger. He always rode in on his white horse Silver to save the day
Most Americans a…
Sep 18, 2014
Don’t say good-bye to your investment
At some point, many people will find themselves faced with the decision of what to do with their retirement assets, whether it is 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), or IRA assets. This happens when people chang…
Sep 18, 2014
Speak Out September 17
Speak Out 9/14/14
Thursday 12:18 a.m.
Hello, this is Marian. Milton and Santa Rosa County would be a better place to live if our mayor, council members, and county commissioners would make…
Sep 18, 2014
Celebrating 100 years
Friends and Family of F.L. Pinckard are invited to celebrate his 100th birthday. The celebration will be held at the Pace Community Center on Saturday, Sept. 20th from 1-4 P.M.
Sep 18, 2014
Voters need more information
Dear Editor,
I believe the public’s interest in voter turnout could be improved if more information was easily accessible regarding the candidates. Presently, all we see are the campaign ‘lit…
Sep 18, 2014
Cheerleaders Clip NFL
Amid the run-up to the midterm elections, football has begun in earnest. The National Football League is a nice respite for all who hate political ads yet still enjoy the primal pleasure of watching …
Sep 18, 2014
Will skin color become as important as eye color?
This week, in Wandering Truth, I’ll open by answering a question I received on my column regarding marijuana legalization. I was asked how I thought tobacco and alcohol regulate themselves. My answer…
Sep 15, 2014
Concrete immigration laws no longer steadfast
Dear Editor,
A long-active Christian group (Inter-Varsity Fellowship) was de-recognized by the
system because the organization's rules required their leader to be a Christian.
One stud…
Sep 15, 2014
Milton’s downtown is set for a metamorphosis
Dear Editor,
When it's election season, distributive politics — those that focus on how the pie gets divided, versus how the pie get baked in the first place — tend to bubble up to the top of th…