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Nov 13, 2014
Dear Editor,        I'm seeing where local government officials are speaking out on the courthouse vote and what it means. Now that the vote again went down in flames at the fault of the county…

Nov 10, 2014
Enroute to her inevitable coronation as the 2016 Democratic nominee for President, Hillary has stumbled out of the gate.   While being coy on the question of whether she is running, Hillary say…

Nov 10, 2014
Tuesday 10:47 p.m. This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. I want to say two things to the voters of Florida about voting yes on the amendment for conserving the water, that’s one. That is going…

Nov 10, 2014
While waiting to be seated at a local restaurant, my husband and I saw some old friends. We were invited to sit with them instead of waiting and we did so. During the morning rush, it took a while to…

Nov 10, 2014
Dear Editor,   Almost predictably, the one-cent sales tax for a new courthouse failed. I believe it failed, even in the face of the reality of an obsolete building now used, (because it has …

Nov 6, 2014
In the News   U.S. Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi Returns Home   After spending seven grueling months in Mexican prison, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is now on U.S. soil. Two-time combat w…

Nov 6, 2014
Wandering Truth

Nov 6, 2014
Thursday 8:15 p.m. We don’t need a new courthouse. That’s according to a lawyer working there. He called in to the radio station this week talking about how he sees it when he’s there. The lawyer …

Nov 3, 2014
Monday 2:24 a.m. Voters please vote no for the 1 cent increase in sales tax. From my understanding, they’re saying we, as the voters, would be able to choose where we want the new courthouse to be…

Nov 3, 2014
“No government ever voluntarily reduced itself in size.” Ronald Reagan   The Democrats have an impending problem surfacing at an inopportune time: their beloved big government’s feckless respon…
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