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Nov 24, 2014
Dear Editor,   Well it's been 1 yr. & 1 week since the Press Gazette listed my article  Four Branches of Government on the web-site. I shared one very personal story with the readers which was …

Nov 23, 2014
By Ron Hart Boca Grande, Florida   “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter.” Jonathan Gruber on passing Obama…

Nov 23, 2014
Dear Editor,   Democrats only deceived themselves with Obamacare and the President's agenda. According to Jonathan Gruber, a Mass. Inst. of Tech. professor and liberal democrat, the favorite wo…

Nov 23, 2014
Getting together over Thanksgiving is always a joyful time for our family, especially when we gather together in my home state of Alabama. My parents no longer live in the house where I grew up, but …

Nov 23, 2014
The Hot Crazy Matrix YouTube dating tutorial was created to show how a man thinks in the sense of trying to find and fulfill the perfect woman or rating a potential date on a scale of 1 to 10 on both…

Nov 23, 2014
The Social Security Administration estimates a man reaching 65 today can expect to live, on average, until 84 and a woman turning 65 today can expect to live until about 86. By waiting until the “mag…

Nov 23, 2014
Reminiscing by Doris Kingry   My friend, Judge George Lowrey, was foremost a family man. He and his wife raised a highly intelligent and successful family of children. But as successful as Geor…

Nov 23, 2014
Monday 7:08 pm This is Linda. I just wanted to thank the person at Great Tree Outlet that found the money my daughter had lost. You are a blessing to my family and I think you so much.   Mon…

Nov 20, 2014
Suppose you saw a person driving his car on the wrong side of a highway, against the traffic. Would you call him a stupid and/or incompetent driver? You say, "Williams, what kind of question is that?…

Nov 20, 2014
Keystone XL The American people delivered a clear message on Election Day, and in the House we are not wasting any time moving forward with the conservative solutions that the American people expe…
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