Feb 25, 2015
Speak Out February 21
Sunday 9:18 p.m.
Hello this is Jerry. In reference to the Speak Out on calling the School Board members on the buses being late, I’ve called twice and asked for Mr. Wyrosdick personally. Obviously…
Feb 25, 2015
On American Sniper and Unbroken
Dear Editor,
On the American Sniper: shame on Michael Moore, Bill Maher and others maligning Chris Kyle, American hero par excellence! Are there any two more undesirables than they? About them I s…
Feb 23, 2015
Chili's fundraiser today for MHS grad
Troy Seay has cystic fibrosis and needs a double lung transplant
Feb 11, 2015
Speak Out: February 11
Thursday 8:01 p.m.
Hey this is Dennis Dean. It seems like violence and suppression of freedom of speech is on the rise. We all know the government is spying on us. Watching Youtube I have seen some …
Feb 11, 2015
3 More Dying Words Spoken
Response to my last column on annoying words and phrases I believe should die a quick and violent death was strong enough I decided to write part two straight away. Not all of these words do I believ…
Feb 9, 2015
A Lost Generation of Entrepreneurs
By Ron Hart
Recently released statistics say that the percentage of adults younger than 30 who own a private business is the lowest in a generation. Today only 3.6% own a stake in a private c…