Jan 22, 2015
Will the West Defend Itself?
Leftists and progressives believe that the U.S. should become more like Europe. They praise Europe's massive welfare state, socialized medicine and stifling economic regulation and accept its unwilli…
Jan 19, 2015
We’ll not be weary in well doing
Dear Editor,
Viva La France!
What a beautiful sight to world leaders with locked arms marching in solidarity with France against radical Islamists and on short notice, too. That Czar Obama…
Jan 19, 2015
Speak Out January 17
Monday, 12:06 p.m.
This is Ben in Pace. We have a group of people on Bell lane that were picking up trash. They do this periodically. Two days later it looks like it hasn’t even been picked u…
Jan 19, 2015
Still no trash can
Dear Editor,
I am still without a garbage can. I signed up on Dec. 31 with ECUA. I have gone thru all proper channels, emails, phone each and every day. We have been lied to repeatedly. I…
Jan 19, 2015
Where were all the bleeding hearts?
Dear Editor,
Where were all of the bleeding hearts when 33 year old Melinda McCormick was terribly beaten with three weapons and her home set on fire? Where was all the rage? She was not dead and …
Jan 19, 2015
More “Free Stuff” from Obama: Junior College
President Obama came to Knoxville, TN to give away $ 60 billion more in taxpayer money. He said he wants to give everyone free community college. What a guy! There is nothing more magnanimous than gi…
Jan 16, 2015
Speak Out for January 14
Thursday 11:32 a.m.
This is Kathy and I am reading in the Pensacola paper that Santa Rosa County is attracting new businesses who want to invest and here we shut down the trash hauling companies and…
Jan 14, 2015
Je suis Charlie
I’ve been in the news business for less than a year, but the terrorist attack in Paris hit too close to home. Obviously, the only similarity the Santa Rosa Press Gazette and Charlie Hebdo share is th…
Jan 13, 2015
Speak Out January 10
Monday 6:32 a.m.
Yeah this is Bobby. It’s Monday morning the day my garbage service to be picked up. I have no cans, none even close to my house