Mar 3, 2015
Celebrating Black History
Dear Editor, Press Gazette
Good job Aaron on The Celebrating Black History Series! I’ve known Mary Johnson, her mother, and brother for years. She is accomplished, a well deserved …
Mar 3, 2015
Boycott Garcon Point Bridge
Dear Editor,
The Garson bridge bondholders (BH’s) have spoken and plan to raise the bridge toll to $5. I think the citizens of Santa Rosa County need to speak, by boycotting this bridge all toget…
Mar 2, 2015
Speak Out February 28
Sunday 9:06 a.m.
It’s Tony in East Milton. I wish Mayor Meiss luck. It’s clear that the Historical Society is controlling everything. We all continue to live in the past. Milton needs to get unst…
Mar 2, 2015
ECUA contract continues to be troublesome
Dear Editor,
The government directed monopolistic trash contract with ECUA continues to be troublesome and in many cases ECUA continues to be a safety hazard to drivers. At my house we place the t…
Mar 2, 2015
Hanging from your knees
Last week a dear friend posted a photo on my Facebook page of little girls doing ballet. Four of the ballerinas were lined up on the bar in first position with their future occupations written below:…
Feb 26, 2015
Bring Ten Commandments back to public schools
Dear Editor,
The Ten Commandments are the worst thing in the world if you are a liberal extremist. Why shouldn’t children kill each other at school? After all, the greatest nation in the worl…
Feb 26, 2015
Administration claims one sided victory
Dear Editor,
Last December, the Obama administration claimed an impressive victory, boasting that bank and auto industry bailouts had netted a $15 billion profit for the taxpayers. Now it is time …
Feb 26, 2015
The Cancer of Multiculturalism
President Barack Obama surprised many at the National Prayer Breakfast when he lectured us, "Lest we get on our high horse and think this (barbarity) is unique to some other place, remember that duri…
Feb 26, 2015
Speak Out February 25
Thursday 1:28 p.m.
This is George. I know I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I think we got this courthouse thing all wrong. I think we need to find out much the courthouse is goin…