Mar 17, 2015
President is no longer a community organizer
Dear Editor,
I can't believe it. An announcement on TV just said that " The administration is distancing itself from the former Secretary of State's security violations." The function of the admi…
Mar 13, 2015
Spring cleaning then, now
Spring is a time of new beginnings. In fact, the season brings new birth, blooms and lime green leaves on evergreen trees. At my house we have buds on our azaleas and our chickens’ egg production has…
Mar 12, 2015
The price of choice
This weekend, an internationally known event came to Santa Rosa County. Tough Mudder tested its participants physically and mentally, sending them belly-down through mud, ice water, tear gas, and ele…
Mar 10, 2015
Pots calling the kettle black in Congress
Dear Editor,
Susan Rice and John Kerry are wrong, ignorant, pots calling the kettle black. They are destructive by bucking Netanyahu’s visit to congress in March. Rice says “It’s destructive …
Mar 10, 2015
Speak Out March 11
Thursday, 1:15 p.m.
This is Anna. The head of our country is not standing with Netanyahu, Israel, like all our former presidents and most Americans. We should always be friends with Israel be…
Mar 9, 2015
March 7 Speak Out
Tuesday 2:41 p.m.
Yes, I would like to thank all of the over-paid, under-worked members of the Santa Rosa County School Board, the Santa Rosa County Superintendent, the State Board of Education, a…
Mar 9, 2015
Netanyahu’s speech slammed by democrats
Dear Editor,
Within minutes of Benjamin Netanyahu's congressional speech the democrats who did and didn't attend the addressing of Congress came out slamming the prime minister as having n…
Mar 6, 2015
Winter in the south proves courage not cowardice
Seeing white flakes rain down both thrills me and chills me to the bone. As a child growing up in central Alabama, we only had one snow a year and looked forward to being out of school. It wasn’t unt…
Mar 4, 2015
Speak Out March 4
Written by Topher Payne
Directed by Patty Barry
Auditions: March 14th 10 a.m. until 12 p.m.
March 15th 2 p.m. until 4 p.m.
Synopsis: Every year, the Harmon si…
Mar 3, 2015
Boycott Garcon Point Bridge
Dear Editor,
The Garson bridge bondholders (BH’s) have spoken and plan to raise the bridge toll to $5. I think the citizens of Santa Rosa County need to speak, by boycotting this bridge all toget…