Jul 1, 2015
Weatherman’s interview on equal rights
I caught the interview of guest Sam Champion from the Weather Channel on CNN a few days ago. His opinion seemed to be the recent Supreme Court decision to mandate gay marriage allowance from coast to…
Jul 1, 2015
Speak Out July 4
This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. As I was watching the news I saw this black woman climb this pole in Charleston, South Carolina to take the confederate flag down off of a federal…
Jun 28, 2015
Speak Out July 1
Thursday, June 25
Yes this s Raymond and I would like to say it is time for America to start realizing black people are Americans as well. We are not second class citizens, we are citizens. J…
Jun 23, 2015
Speak Out June 24
Saturday 5:03 p.m.
This is Bobby, I just look through the Saturday paper and I was wondering if you still got a Speak Out column, because there wasn’t any in the paper. Also in the section wh…
Jun 22, 2015
Stop Signs Are Forever: When Uncle Sam gets one right
Richard Toler lived at 515 Poplar St. in Cincinnati, during the summer of 1937 when a young white woman named Ruth Thompson knocked on his door.
Toler was somewhere around 100 years old at that po…
Jun 22, 2015
Guns in Church
A faith group in our town recently held a worship event with about 350 plus people in attendance. They expected people from several states and foreign countries including Nigeria, South Africa, Botsw…
Jun 19, 2015
Don't forget baby
It’s one of the saddest accidents I can imagine. Whenever I hear of another baby being left in the car by parents it makes my heart ache. How does it happen and what can we do to stop this phenomenon…
Jun 16, 2015
Speak Out June 17
Hey this is Dennis Dean, just thinking about Fort Pickens and other state and federal property. The real kick in the butt is you use our money to purchase state and federal property. Y…