Jul 23, 2015
County should have term limits for commissioners
Dear Editor,
The Santa Rosa County board of Commissioners brings up the reason for term limits. It seems every time the county is short of money the first word mentioned is taxes. I thank Jer…
Jul 23, 2015
Speak Out July 25
July 20
This is Mary a concerned senior citizen. I wonder if these people, Obama and his crew, if they realize that if they were to ask the Cubans who risked their lives of their families and them…
Jul 23, 2015
Death to the Iran deal
Dear Editor,
Death to America? Death to Israel? I say death to the Nuclear Iran deal. Already approved by the U. N. Security Council, it’s in Congress for action. For years some of us warned …
Jul 21, 2015
Cross not holy for all Bible believers
Dear Editor,
Over the past month or so I have been confronted by overwhelming evidence of personal failure of personal integrity on my part. After being presented with so many undeniable exam…
Jul 20, 2015
Speak Out July 22
This is Ann and this is a reply to Tony’s message. I agree with him and all you people ranting and raving. Why don’t you rant and rave about the legal murders committed in this count…
Jul 20, 2015
Iran is our enemy
Dear Editor,
John Kerry is even worse as Secretary of State since the last one. The negotiations with Iran where he shoves the American people under the bus so he and Obama can get some kind …
Jul 16, 2015
Speak Out July 18
July 13
I just wanted to ask Mary which religious rights of hers are being taken away. I hope she’s not talking about discrimination because it’s not a religious right and God speaks of and agains…
Jul 16, 2015
Is it time to fly the National Ensign upside down?
Dear Editor,
The 10 Commandments are a symbol of the one God’s law. Courts have mandated the Judeo-Christian sin reminder be removed from sight in American society. Now these commandments are…
Jul 16, 2015
Speak Out July 15
Thursday, July 9
Hi, I like the article about the confederate flag written by Pamela Holt. She tells it like it is, by the way I am from the north. This is Marie.
Friday, July 10