Sep 21, 2015
Recent fundraiser a positive experience
Dear Editor,
Kudos to Re-development group for bringing such a great line up of talented performers in the recent Southern Rock Revival Show at the ImogeneTheatre. I enjoyed the show immensely…
Sep 19, 2015
Speak Out September 19
September 14
Milton's Historical Society has no problem spending $3.5 million dollars of tax payer money to ensure a new bridge looks old. It has no problem ensuring a old theater stands in t…
Sep 18, 2015
Democratic solution for refugee no solution
Dear Editor,
The liberal left are now jumping on the bandwagon in regards to the 4 million refuges from Iraq and Syria. They state we created the problem and should be part of the solutio…
Sep 18, 2015
New Exit Polls Reveal – 100 percent Death Rate
Exit polls are conclusive. 100 percent of us will die. The way we die will vary somewhat, but die we will. Many people in the world will never vote, own a new house, drive a new car or eat in a nice …
Sep 16, 2015
Speak Out September 16
Friday, Sept. 11
Yeah, this is Gene out in Pace. I just got off the phone with Bill Nelson’s office in Orlando. He supports the Iran treaty 100 percent. He does not care if Iran calls us ‘the g…
Sep 14, 2015
Kim Davis, Marriage Licenses and Down The Road
If you take a job for the government then you should abide by the rules of the job. If you don't agree with the rules then you should resign. When the government as in Kim Davis' case makes allowance…
Sep 14, 2015
Pope combines church and state
Dear Editor,
Pope Francis has a political or state agenda. In 2015 he’s met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and will speak to the United States Congress as the Vatican leader. The Pope is…
Sep 14, 2015
There’s a bigger story than Sunday alcohol sales
The Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners would like to turn Santa Rosa County into another Panama City Beach.
Sep 12, 2015
Speak Out September 12
September 4
This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. I would like to say that it takes years for water dropping over a rock to finally wash away part of that rock, but the haters of freedom of rel…
Sep 11, 2015