Oct 8, 2015
Current alcohol sales regulations constitutes double standard
Dear Editor,
I am submitting a copy of my letter to Commissioner Salter.
Dear Mr. Salter
As per our conversation during the last Santa Rosa County Commissioners meeting, when I pet…
Sep 28, 2015
County road work causes senior citizen problems
Dear Editor,
Recently, we had either sewer or new water pipes installed part of the way down East Spencer Field Road. I don’t know the construction company’s name or the exact work that was don…
Sep 24, 2015
Things are changing for American citizens
Dear Editor,
Mr. Tom Kinds wanted to know what our government will be giving these refugees from Syria. The government will be giving them nothing. While the American tax payer will be giving …
Sep 23, 2015
Sep 21, 2015
What is a treaty?
Dear Editor,
What is a treaty? A treaty is an agreement between two or more countries. So a agreement between two or more countries is a treaty. What does "We the People's" constitution st…