Sep 28, 2015
County road work causes senior citizen problems
Dear Editor,
Recently, we had either sewer or new water pipes installed part of the way down East Spencer Field Road. I don’t know the construction company’s name or the exact work that was don…
Sep 24, 2015
Things are changing for American citizens
Dear Editor,
Mr. Tom Kinds wanted to know what our government will be giving these refugees from Syria. The government will be giving them nothing. While the American tax payer will be giving …
Sep 23, 2015
Sep 21, 2015
What is a treaty?
Dear Editor,
What is a treaty? A treaty is an agreement between two or more countries. So a agreement between two or more countries is a treaty. What does "We the People's" constitution st…
Sep 21, 2015
Recent fundraiser a positive experience
Dear Editor,
Kudos to Re-development group for bringing such a great line up of talented performers in the recent Southern Rock Revival Show at the ImogeneTheatre. I enjoyed the show immensely…
Sep 19, 2015
Speak Out September 19
September 14
Milton's Historical Society has no problem spending $3.5 million dollars of tax payer money to ensure a new bridge looks old. It has no problem ensuring a old theater stands in t…
Sep 18, 2015
Democratic solution for refugee no solution
Dear Editor,
The liberal left are now jumping on the bandwagon in regards to the 4 million refuges from Iraq and Syria. They state we created the problem and should be part of the solutio…
Sep 18, 2015
New Exit Polls Reveal – 100 percent Death Rate
Exit polls are conclusive. 100 percent of us will die. The way we die will vary somewhat, but die we will. Many people in the world will never vote, own a new house, drive a new car or eat in a nice …