Nov 17, 2015
Liberals want more diversity on college campuses
Dear Editor,
Liberals want more diversity on college campuses, the diversity they want is where and when they want it. How about also diversifying the football and basketball teams since they t…
Nov 17, 2015
Demolition of current courthouse is an idea
Dear Editor,
Some, including some commissioners are determined to purchase property to build a new courthouse. We don’t need to do that. If money is to be spent, how much would it cost to demol…
Nov 14, 2015
Speak Out November 14
Share your thoughts with us by calling 623-5887 and leave a clear, brief message.
Nov 11, 2015
Speak Out November 11
Share your thoughts with us by calling 623-5887 and leave a clear, brief message.
Nov 9, 2015
Downtown location not a good idea for courthouse
Dear Editor,
The Santa Rosa Historical Society and one county commissioner are trying to convince voters that downtown is the place for a new building. The proposed location is in a floodplain …
Nov 9, 2015
LTE: Too much anti-Americanism in our schools
Dear Editor,
What’s next? Are our schools on the way to mirroring, “the inmates are running the asylum?” That the American Atheists Organization raised its ugly head didn’t surprise me. It and …
Nov 7, 2015
Speak Out November 7
November 4
Hi, this is Kay. Shame on the county commissioners for showing such partiality to Public Works Director Tony Gomillion during the county administrator interview for the county admini…
Nov 6, 2015
Tyrannosaurus Rx
This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Tyrannosaurus Rx
Nov 6, 2015
Santa Rosa County water content unnerving
Dear Editor,
Santa Rosa County Commissioners and Legislators need to wake up. Florida recently awarded $19 million in state loan funding to assist drinking water systems throughout Florida. C…
Nov 6, 2015
The importance of faith in life
Dear Editor,
My fluff story begins in Douglasville, Ga. with a neighbor's feral cat by choice and tame when needed, the best of both worlds. The female cat had gone missing right before we move…