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Dec 19, 2015
Share what's on your mind. Call 623-5887 and leave a short, clear message. Not all messages will be printed in the SRPG.

Dec 16, 2015
We want you to share your views with us by calling 623-5887. Please speak clearly and leave a short message. Not all calls will be printed in the SRPG because of space considerations.

Dec 14, 2015
This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Star Wars wish list

Dec 14, 2015
This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Willard Scott retires

Dec 14, 2015
Dear Editor,    I hear politicians on both sides of the political parties defend the right of Muslins to come to our country. They do so by saying we are a country of immigrants and our morals sh…

Dec 12, 2015
Tell us what's on your mind! Call 623-5887, speak clearly and share your opinion.

Dec 11, 2015
Dear Editor,   The BOCC is considering a resolution to deny Syrian refugees settlement in Santa RosaCounty, a decision many governors and communities have already declared. God knows my heart is …

Dec 11, 2015
Dear Editor,   I hear politicians on both sides of the political parties defend the right of Muslins to come to our country. They do so by saying we are a country of immigrates and our morals sho…

Dec 9, 2015
Thursday, December 3   Yeah, This is Tony in East Milton. I just want to say that the county council commissioners should be making the decision about the courthouse and about the Highway 90 comi…

Dec 8, 2015
The recent November 13 tragic terrorist attacks in Paris, France highlight both the difficulty in defending against a well-organized enemy intent on killing and maiming, as well as the need for stren…
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