Jan 4, 2016
Progressive republicans the same as liberal democrats
Dear Editor,
What is the purpose of electing a progressive republican versus a liberal democrat? The only republican candidates that haven't endorsed a pathway to citizenship, at one time or …
Dec 30, 2015
Donald Trump calls out the dirty roaches
Dear Editor,
Donald Trump uses a trumpet to call out and expose the established political roaches and their partners. He calls out of hiding to public view the dirty, self serving hidden agendas.
Dec 30, 2015
Speak Out December 30
Tuesday, December 22
Kudos for those responsible for resurfacing Alabama Street, good job
Wednesday, December 23
Hi, this is Wallace. I was watching on TV where a group of people we…
Dec 28, 2015
It’s time for Christians to get off their duffs
Dear Editor,
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, shame, double shame on Congress for giving in to Obama’s desire to continue funding PlannedParenthood. It’s pure insanity, a national dis…
Dec 26, 2015
Speak Out December 26
Share what's on your mind by calling 623-5887 and leave a clear, brief message. Not all calls can be published in the SRPG print edition due to space consideration.
Dec 24, 2015
How To Make Christmas
I received a call from an old friend this morning. I've known him now for over forty years. When I was twenty years old I lived four months with he and his family in Dayton, Ohio while I attended Wri…
Dec 24, 2015
UWSR looks back at busy year serving Santa Rosa
As the year draws to a close, United Way of Santa Rosa County (UWSR) is in the process of reviewing the work accomplished for the community throughout 2015. UWSR is currently planning next year’s pro…
Dec 20, 2015
Pathways for illegals to gain citizenship a problem with republican candidates
Dear Editor,
With the coming presidential elections there are many questions needing to be answered in regards to the many republican candidates. The first problem I have with most the candidat…