Jan 16, 2016
Speak Out January 16
January 11
I was just listening to Cross Talk on the radio. I never heard such gloom and doom and how bad this country is and we’re split and divided. We’re divided because the people choose to be.…
Jan 16, 2016
Politically correctness versus facts about sharia law
Dear Editor
With the New Year's Eve sexual attacks on indigenous women in five European nations, the cause of the attacks have moved from radical Muslims to main stream Muslims. The Islami…
Jan 14, 2016
Court cost collected 46 years later
Dear Editor,
Last week a friend received notice his driver’s license was suspended for non payment of court cost 27 years ago. After some checking, it seems the county clerk’s office is going b…
Jan 14, 2016
5 still in captivity in Iran
Dear Editor,
The White House claims its new relationship, because of the Iran deal, expedited the release of our 10 sailors held overnight in Iran. The administration could have demanded the re…
Jan 13, 2016
Speak Out January 13
Share what's on your mind by calling 623-5887 and leave a clear, short message. All callers may not appear in the print edition of the SRPG because of space limitations.
Jan 12, 2016
Executive orders are Obama’s weapon in national gun battle
President Barack Obama is a gun dealer’s best friend. You wouldn’t know by all the theatrics following his pronouncement this week regarding his gun-related executive orders.
According to Bloomberg…
Jan 11, 2016
Medical Insurance Is Expensive
I felt like my insurance company wanted me out of healthcare when I received my new premium information for 2016. I paid over $1,600 a month for my wife and I to have medical insurance in 2015. Last …
Jan 9, 2016
Speak Out January 9
January 5
This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. I’m wondering why Obama wants to keep putting restrictions on the common people, the ones that are law abiding, about the guns because every …
Jan 7, 2016
Gun control not the answer, love is
Dear Editor,
Guns are often the weapon of choice for those who desire to commit crimes against society. Escambia County and Santa Rosa County are not immune to such acts. Recently in Bagd…
Jan 7, 2016
Citizens choosing not participate in pledge may have other motives
Dear Editor,
This I’m responding to a comment in Speak Out Saturday, December 19, 2015, a concerned senior citizen was judging some of those who chose not to pledge allegiance to the flag of th…