Feb 23, 2016
Pope calls Trump Non – Christian
You should be noticing the pope is more and more regularly on the world radar screen concerning world events and headlines. This is prophetic and will continue and increase all the way to biblical en…
Feb 23, 2016
Rest in Peace Scalia
Thanks for your articles on Justice Scalia, what a lame excuse our president had for not attending Scalia’s funeral, working on his successor. He is hell-bent on appointing his third Justice to the U…
Feb 20, 2016
Speak Out February 20
February 16
This is Jesse from Pace. Yesterday afternoon, we lost another vehicle in the big old ditches on West Spencerfield road, the big concrete culverts. Over the years, there have been severa…
Feb 17, 2016
Speak Out February 17
Wednesday, February 10
Hi Tony, this is George. Space is limited and it will take more than is available so visit us at Pace Church of Christ at 4075 Berryhill Road. We will be worshiping the only …
Feb 15, 2016
A reminder of sage advice from two God-honoring presidents
Dear Editor,
February 12 was Abraham Lincoln’s birth date. The 15 th is President’s Day. Thank God for Lincoln and George Washington, two God-honoring men. We’re reminded of Lincoln’s sage advi…
Feb 10, 2016
Speak Out February 10
Friday, February 5
Yeah, this is Bobby. I was just wondering if you still had the Speak Out column. I didn’t see anything in there Wednesday. I really look forward to reading that. That is the…
Feb 8, 2016
Take time to support the arts in your community
Dear Editor,
The arts are alive and well in Santa RosaCounty. That was clearly apparent by the well-attended recent event on Saturday., Jan. 30 benefitting the Santa Rosa Arts and Culture Found…
Feb 6, 2016
Speak Out February 6
February 2
This is Tony the Critic, in response to the big two page ad a gentlemen posted about his church is the church. It is easy to shoot down your argument to begin with. You reference the…
Feb 4, 2016
The claim of governmental protection
Dear Editor,
The Democrat Administration of Obama has said it will protect us from domestic terrorists and violence by limiting gun access. His administration has said it will vet all middle ea…
Feb 4, 2016
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will transform into public utilities
Dear Editor,
Only those who oppose the dream of American homeownership would attempt to dismantle President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal by eliminating two publicly traded, shareholder-owned c…