Jun 13, 2016
LETTER: No Sunday alcohol sales hurts the local economy
Dear editor,
I have only lived here a short four years, but coming from areas that do sell (alcohol) on Sunday, here's the bottom line: If you don't want to purchase alcohol on Sundays, then don't…
Jun 10, 2016
VIDEO: Close all the liquor stores
This Speak Out caller is happy the city of Milton is dry on Sunday but wants to go a step further.
Jun 10, 2016
VIDEO: clarifying the sales tax
This caller has some questions about the county's proposed half-cent sales tax for the courthouse.
Jun 9, 2016
LETTER: Respect the American flag
Dear editor,
Our flag has many names, the most popular being “The Stars and Stripes.” No one knows whenc…
Jun 9, 2016
SPEAK OUT: clarifying the sales tax, don't allow Sunday liquor sales
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.
In the June 4-7, 2016 issue of the Press Gazette, Mrs. Jayne Bell, in …
Jun 8, 2016
LETTER: Police lives matter — all lives matter
Dear editor,
I don’t know about “Black Lives Matter.” I do know all lives matter to Almighty God, Creator, and His “born again” believers.
A courageous, competent black judge presided when…
Jun 8, 2016
Fracking has contaminated drinking water wells
Dear editor,
I thought (the) slant ( in a recent letter to the editor) on fracking was interesting, but lacking in real world evidence.
Fracking may be "regulated,” but the end product sometim…
Jun 6, 2016
LETTER: Mayberry would be a great place for Milton to be
Dear editor,
In a recent letter to the editor, there were questions regarding my recent vote about the language for Sunday alcohol sales for the November ballot.
As a city council member, my vo…
Jun 6, 2016
SPEAK OUT: Hiroshima, hungry children, America needing God, dangerous roads
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.
Nobody is calling for open containers to be all over the place like …
Jun 6, 2016
LETTER: The truth about police shootings
Dear editor,
As an aspiring journalist, I am sick and tired of all the memes and comments going around about (police shootings). It’s time to clear up misinformation being spread by social me…