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Jun 13, 2016
Dear editor, I have only lived here a short four years, but coming from areas that do sell (alcohol) on Sunday, here's the bottom line: If you don't want to purchase alcohol on Sundays, then don't…

Jun 10, 2016
This Speak Out caller is happy the city of Milton is dry on Sunday but wants to go a step further.

Jun 10, 2016
This caller has some questions about the county's proposed half-cent sales tax for the courthouse.

Jun 9, 2016
Dear editor,                                                                                        Our flag has many names, the most popular being “The Stars and Stripes.” No one knows whenc…

Jun 9, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  CLARIFYING THE SALES TAX   In the June 4-7, 2016 issue of the Press Gazette, Mrs. Jayne Bell, in …

Jun 8, 2016
Dear editor,   I don’t know about “Black Lives Matter.” I do know all lives matter to Almighty God, Creator, and His “born again” believers. A courageous, competent black judge presided when…

Jun 8, 2016
Dear editor, I thought (the) slant ( in a recent letter to the editor) on fracking was interesting, but lacking in real world evidence. Fracking may be "regulated,” but the end product sometim…

Jun 6, 2016
Dear editor, In a recent letter to the editor, there were questions regarding my recent vote about the language for Sunday alcohol sales for the November ballot. As a city council member, my vo…

Jun 6, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.    WE JUST WANT TO BUY A BEER Nobody is calling for open containers to be all over the place like …

Jun 6, 2016
Dear editor,   As an aspiring journalist, I am sick and tired of all the memes and comments going around about (police shootings). It’s time to clear up misinformation being spread by social me…
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