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Jul 22, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  SOMEBODY, CLEAN UP THE HIGHWAY I'm just heading from Highway 87 to East on 90 and, all the way from …

Jul 22, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  WHEN DID IT BECOME OK TO DISOBEY POLICE? Hi, my name is K.J. and I have just one question for all Am…

Jul 21, 2016
With a new school year on the horizon, what will be made of it? The school year will go by; what will become of it?  Allan David Bloom, an American philosopher and academician once said, "Educatio…

Jul 21, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  LAWMEN, PATROL THESE AREAS The Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservatio…

Jul 14, 2016
Dear editor,   I've been using the Walmart grocery pickup for about three weeks. It's wonderful! Someone wrote in about it being hot when one picks up their groceries. You can schedule an earl…

Jul 12, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  PROTECT OUR BEES AGAINST POISON My name is Joyce and I am calling about the Zika Virus from mosquito…

Jul 7, 2016
Dear editor,   A downtown Milton (resident) recently sprayed with a powder poison that killed bees, getting into his building’s walls.    People need to know this complicates things for them…

Jul 7, 2016
Dear editor,   Is our justice system rigged for the powerful? George Zimmerman and the five officers in Baltimore were charged in their respected separate cases. These charges were brought bec…

Jul 7, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE It hurts Milton businesses to have everyone go to another city or county to bu…

Jul 1, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  DEPUTIES NEED TO BE CAREFUL DRIVERS, TOO I just about got run over by a … deputy that changed lanes …
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