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Sep 1, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls and comments on we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  ACCESSING EAST MILTON’S BRICK ROAD Yeah, this is Bobby, and I go …

Sep 1, 2016
Dear editor, Wednesday morning, I woke up to the news that unofficial election results for Santa Rosa County were in, and my question is this: What happened to the 74.78 percent of citizens that d…

Aug 30, 2016
Dear editor,                                                                                              Trump is enduring bashing. He has guts to speak truths. Hillary’s spending millions, he…

Aug 30, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls and comments on we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.    ACCESSING EAST MILTON’S BRICK ROAD   Yeah, this is Bobby, and…

Aug 29, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls and comments on we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.    TRUMP SHOULD JOIN ‘THE BRADY BUNCH’ Yes, I feel sorry for Ameri…

Aug 23, 2016
Dear editor, Liberal Democrats continually say one thing but deliver something else. Obamacare: You can keep your insurance and doctor. (No, you can't!) Our health system ranks 44th in the world, b…

Aug 23, 2016
Dear editor, This is in reply to the Aug. 17 letter, “Republicans — vote with your conscience.” In her fourth paragraph (the author) asserts that greyhound racing is a “government-mandated pastime.…

Aug 17, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls and comments on we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.    THOUGHTS ON REPUBLICANS, ISIS Chrys here; shame on the 70 Re…

Aug 17, 2016
The presidential election campaign season is certainly making headlines and causing some tension among voters. It’s probably safe to state that most of us can’t wait for this campaign season to be…

Aug 15, 2016
MILTON — Here are the latest calls and comments on we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues.  THOUGHTS ON REPUBLICANS, ISIS Chrys here; shame on the 70 Republi…
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