Jan 6, 2017
John Kerry does not support Israel
Dear editor,
Ad nauseam, I listened to John Kerry’s anti-Israel resolution speech. He dared say something like Obama’s administration supported Israel more than any other.
Not true!
Obama’s s…
Jan 4, 2017
Play — the key to early learning
Play. Whether it is in the home, at school, with friends or family, play is woven into a child’s everyday life.
Often, play is thought of as a vacation from learning. On the contrary, it is an inte…
Jan 3, 2017
Liberalism is on its way out again
Dear editor,
This current social experiment of liberal Democrat governing is unraveling in front of our eyes. Their lies are being exposed. They're ruling using emotions.
It is these same emotion…
Dec 31, 2016
SPEAK OUT: Parties should work together; calling out media bias
MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County issues.
PARTY SWITCH POLITICS This is Mary King. I have never in my 82 years seen anything like we've got going now with the outg…
Dec 30, 2016
Thanks for ‘Caring and Sharing’
Dear editor,
Happy New Year 2017! Thank you to all the volunteers and sponsors who donated their time, talent and/or dollars to help support the mission of Caring and Sharing of South Santa Rosa Co…
Dec 30, 2016
Reflecting on 2016: a year of living angrily
Here is my annual look back at the year coming to a close:
Self-driving automobiles made progress in 2016. The fear is by 2025 4 million American truck driving jobs will be in jeopardy. The only…
Dec 28, 2016
Who stole what from the U.S.?
Dear editor,
China, Russia, Hillary and what they have in common: China stole our drone, and has now returned it. Our intellectual property can never be returned if China reverse-engineered it.
Dec 22, 2016
Thanks for lighting the way, Santa Rosa
They say, “It’s better to give than receive.” I have to admit, in my younger days, this notion stumped me. I’d think: How on earth could it be better to give than it is to receive? Receiving is certa…
Dec 19, 2016
Press Gazette ignored Meiss' visionary leadership
Dear editor,
Talk about being politically tone deaf. Throw in myopia and willful bias and that's the Press Gazette.
In case you haven't noticed, over the past two years Mayor Wesley Meiss and the…
Dec 19, 2016
SPEAK OUT: Determining Russia's criminal intent; about the SRPG editorial…
MILTON — Here are some of the latest calls, website and Facebook comments we received on Santa Rosa County issues.
If a confession of criminal intent from the…