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Mar 26, 2013
Morris Smith grew up in Hollywood, Fla. without many positive male influences in his life. "My father, he was off and on in my life, more off than on," Smith said. "I had a rough upbringing and ha…

Mar 26, 2013
A ritual dating back millions of years takes place again this spring on Florida beaches. Spring marks horseshoe crabs’ mating season, and biologists with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Co…

Mar 26, 2013
The search is on for Florida’s top senior volunteers. Santa Rosa County residents are encouraged to nominate outstanding senior volunteers. The Salute to Senior Service program, sponsored by Home …

Mar 26, 2013
The city of Milton is hoping tennis players, both young and old, are ready to make some racket soon. By then the city should have seven new tennis courts ready to go sometime late spring, but with…

Mar 26, 2013
Two young men attempting to set a hiking record will travel through Santa Rosa County on their way to the end. Zack Umbarger, 16, and Cody Umbarger, 12, will be the youngest hikers to ever complete t…

Mar 26, 2013
Shannon Abbott has been found guilty of child abuse based on an incident that happened while she was working at the Department of Juvenile Justice detention center, according to Santa Rosa court reco…

Mar 26, 2013
Southern East Spencer Field Road will close for resurfacing on Wednesday, March 27 at 8 p.m. until approximately 5 a.m. on Thursday, March 28.   During that time, southbound traffic on East Spence…

Mar 26, 2013
Santa Rosa County School District's Communities of Learning Program is in need of items to make toiletry kits for our homeless families and unaccompanied youth. Full size products preferably. Items l…

Mar 26, 2013
The Veteran Services Department at Workforce Escarosa along with fellow non-profit, VetReady, will host the Support Our Troops Resource & Career Fair on Thursday, March 28, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. …

Mar 25, 2013
A Milton woman was arrested, charged with several traffic crimes including two counts of DUI and two counts of hit and run, according to the Florida Highway Patrol, after she ran into the back of ano…
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