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Oct 30, 2013
Increased police presence and citizen’s involvement has resulted in the quick arrest of two juveniles responsible for two residential burglaries occurring in the 200 block of Severin Drive.  This mor…

Oct 30, 2013
BIRMINGHAM, AL (10/24/2013)(readMedia)– Samford University releases deans lists after the close of the fall and spring semesters each academic year. To qualify for the dean's list, a student must ha…

Oct 30, 2013
The freshly remodeled Dove Garden Shop will hold a grand re-opening at 1020 East Fairfield Drive in Pensacola on Saturday, November 16 at 9 a.m. The shop will feature a variety of gifts, including ce…

Oct 30, 2013
Washington, D.C. – Teams of high school and middle school students across the country can now register to compete in the 24th annual Department of Energy’s National Science Bowl (NSB). Thousands of s…

Oct 30, 2013
The U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force arrested a Pensacola man after he tried to run out the back of the house where he has been hiding. Marshals and the Task Force caught up with…

Oct 30, 2013
Rock Cemetery “Work Day”, Saturday, November 2, beginning at 10:00am Cleaning and making repairs. If possible, bring rake, shovel, branch cutters, saw, broom, cleaning cloths, etc..  Located on Up…

Oct 30, 2013
Pursuant to section 193.122(2), Florida Statutes (2013), notice is hereby given to all taxpayersand owners of both real and personal property that the 2013 Santa Rosa County Tax Rolls have been exten…

Oct 30, 2013
The Santa Rosa Democratic Party will host a Pot Luck Dinner meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, November 5, at United Way Headquarters, 6479 A Caroline Street, Milton. All Democrats are invited to attend a…

Oct 30, 2013
The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 Negotiating team has agreed to postpone the set strike date of Monday, October 21st.  The Union has agreed to meet with First Transit management on Tuesday…

Oct 30, 2013
Margaret Taylor, FamiliesFirst Network’s director of policy and quality, received the Florida Department of Children and Families’ Distinguished Service Award during the recent Florida Revenue Maximi…
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