May 8, 2014
Community briefs May 7
Santa RosaChristian Schoolplay
Santa RosaChristian Schoolis presenting the play "ARSENIC and OLD LACE" at 7 p.m. on the evenings of May 16 and 17. SRCS is located at 6331 Chestnut St. in Mil…
May 8, 2014
Chris Escobar’s determination wins Maryland
Hometown racing champion, Chris Escobar did it again at the True Street drag racing event at the Maryland International Raceway in Mechanicsville, Saturday averaging 8.042 seconds in three passes. Es…
May 8, 2014
Bagdad Mill Site Park closer to completion
Construction crews will be busy this summer after the county finishes clearing debris and concrete from the future site of the Bagdad Mill Site Park, according to Vernon Compton, project director at …
May 8, 2014
Wave makers on Blackwater River
Camden McCarthy, 18 months old, Milton waved at jet skis and boats while playing at Russell Harbor Landing last weekend with her family.
May 8, 2014
The flood: the hurt and the help
According to Joy Tsubooka, Santa Rosa County public information officer, damage assessment by state, Federal Emergency Management Administration, and local teams has concluded. The estimated total nu…
May 8, 2014
Milton historic cemetery seeking volunteers for upkeep
As most Santa Rosa residents know, Milton Cemetery has graves of people who lived in Milton long ago, many who made history, and some who made Santa Rosa County their home, reared a family and was la…
May 7, 2014
Santa Rosa receives presidential declaration
According to Joy Tsubooka, public information officer of Santa Rosa County, the President has approved the major disaster declaration FEMA-4177-DR for the State of Florida. She said this means reside…
May 6, 2014
200 year flood event
“It is an unprecedented incident,” said Daniel Hahn, Emergency Operations Center plans chief, “we had 17 to 20 inches of rain within a 24 hour period.” Hahn said the event surpasses the 100 year rain…
May 6, 2014
Two-car accident fatal for pedestrain
According to a Florida Highway Patrol report, William B Akins, 51, Milton lost control of his '05 Ford and struck a parked car and pedestrian Monday afternoon. The report said Akins was traveling nor…