Oct 18, 2016
Avalon teacher resigns following viral photo incident
MILTON — Dr. Christina Villaverde, an Avalon Middle School chorus teacher, has resigned, ahead of being terminated, due to inappropriate disciplinary action the school says she took against a student…
Oct 17, 2016
Smith, city council candidate, wants to change the way Milton governs
Editor's Note: The Santa Rosa Press Gazette will feature Milton City Council candidates running in the Nov. 8 election. We continue this multi-part series with Margaret "Peggi" Smith, who faces incum…
Oct 17, 2016
Peanut butter needed for Santa Rosa families
MILTON — The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Santa Rosa County Extension is collecting peanut butter for food pantries to help families in need.
The Florida Pean…
Oct 17, 2016
Santa Rosa County arrests for Oct. 14-17
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office provided these felony arrest reports for Oct. 14-17.
Defendants are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Ron Colby Berry , 27, Navarre, probation…
Oct 17, 2016
Possession of cannabis, red snapper among violations
MILTON — The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shares this report of latest events.
Lieutenant Hahr was patrolling in the Escambia River Wildlife Management Area a…
Oct 17, 2016
Santa Rosa County 4-H sets Veterans Day 5K
MILTON — Santa Rosa County 4-H will host a Veterans Day 5K and One Mile Fun Run to commemorate veterans and support youths who participate in 4-H.
Check-in and on-site registration begin 8 a.m. Nov…
Oct 17, 2016
Donaldson, Cody win tightly contested points battles
MILTON — Four champions were crowned Saturday night at Southern Raceway. Two first-time champions claimed titles after highly contested point battles in the pure stock and vintage division.
Oct 17, 2016
Barbaree, Sullivan lead in Stonebrook dogfight
PACE — Stonebrook Golf Club’s Oct. 12 dogfight results are as follows:
Flight A
1. Bob Barbaree, +6
T2. Tony Apap, -1
T2. Tom Couchman, -1
T2. Pat McCrary, -1
Flight …
Oct 15, 2016
Jay High contest to support literacy
JAY — Jay High School alumni and future alumni will compete in “Clash of the Classes” during the Oct. 21 Homecoming Game.
Starting at kick-off, Royal fans can donate funds representing their respec…
Oct 15, 2016
Central School sets pumpkin-themed event
JAY — Central School’s Harvest Literacy day is 9 a.m. to noon Oct. 15 at Holland Farms.
SGA and BETA students will read pumpkin-themed stories and paint faces during the event, which serves as a fu…