Jun 30, 2017
Rabies alert in effect until Aug. 5
MILTON — A rabies alert is currently in effect for the Navarre area after a report of possible rabies in a kitten, according to the Florida Department of Health in Santa Rosa County.
The kitten die…
Jun 30, 2017
Santa Rosa Community Briefs
Celebrate Freedom race, fun run return to Jay JAY — The 18th Annual Celebrate Freedom 5K and One Mile Fun Run is set July 4. The event begins 8 a.m. at Jay City Park, 5259 Booker Lane. The advance entry fee is $20; race-day entry is $25. One Mile Fun Run entry is $10. T-shirts […]
Jun 30, 2017
FWC urges Fourth of July boaters to be careful
During the Fourth of July holiday, many people take to the water to celebrate Independence Day. The warm, sunny days of summer combined with viewing fireworks puts many more boats and people on the w…
Jun 30, 2017
Santa Rosa County roads and bridges closed due to flooding
MILTON — The following roads and bridges in Santa Rosa County are closed due to water over the roadway according to the Santa Rosa County Commission:
West Spencerfield Road at Highway 90
Jun 30, 2017
Support sought for disaster relief fund
PACE — The Support Alliance For Emergency Readiness wants to raise money for a disaster relief fund.
"The intent here is how do Santa Rosans take care of Santa Rosa?” SAFER Director Daniel Hahn sai…
Jun 30, 2017
Going high tech
MILTON — Gulf Power Company has a new tool to inspect power lines: the unmanned aircraft system, also known as a drone.
Rather than expending the time and labor, as well as risking injuries, line w…
Jun 30, 2017
Milton explores naming a poet laureate
MILTON — The City Council is expected to appoint someone as the city’s official poet laureate at its next Executive Committee meeting.
At the June 22 Committee of the Whole meeting, Marc Livanos, a…
Jun 29, 2017
What's Happening in Santa Rosa County
MILTON — Upcoming Santa Rosa County events and activities are as follows. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL’S CLASS OF 1998: Group seeks classmates for whom they have no contact information. Email the class committee at miltonfl_1998@outlook.com or contact Rachel (Willis) Hamm, 982-5773, to help. Recurring SANTA ROSA ARTS AND CULTURE FOUNDATION BOOK CLUB: Meets 7 p.m. every […]
Jun 29, 2017
'Well done'
MILTON — Training Squadron Three at Naval Air Station Whiting Field recently earned recognition as the top primary training squadron in the Navy for fiscal year 2016.
The Chief of Naval Air Trainin…
Jun 29, 2017
Gowns, caps donated for stillborn infants
MILTON — Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis Club member JoEllen Wolf occasionally crochets items for the club’s Littlest Angels Project. Wolf on June 23 donated three to four gowns and caps to Santa Rosa Med…