Mar 18, 2014
What defines a bar?
Tuesday night the public heard discussion and offered comments on the first reading of a city ordinance differentiating, according to Mayor Thompson, what defines a restaurant and what defines a bar.…
Mar 18, 2014
Milton High Quarterback Club sale
The Milton High School Quarterback Club is holding their annual Boston Butt Sale now through April 11. Cost is $35 each. To place an order, contact Bill Price, QBC president 736-6693. Pickup is sch…
Mar 18, 2014
Community Briefs March 15
Pea Ridge Elementary Kindergarten registration
We would like to place a notice of our upcoming Kindergarten registration for the 2014-2015 school year. It will be held at Pea Ridge Elementar…
Mar 17, 2014
Scratch Ankle fun
Scratch Ankle, the Santa Rosa County Founder's Day event, took place Friday, March 14 on the northern side of Willing Street in downtown Milton. According to City officials, a good time was had by al…
Mar 14, 2014
Community Briefs March 12
Community Briefs
SAFER Santa Rosa Annual meeting
The SAFER Santa Rosa Annual meeting sponsored by Interfaith Ministries is on May 7 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Lunch will be serve…
Mar 14, 2014
Time to scratch 'dem ankles in downtown
It’s Scratch Ankle time in Milton. Tonight the founder’s day celebration will celebrate its 42 anniversary. The festival will begin today at 4 p.m. and close at 9 p.m. The festival is sponsored by t…
Mar 14, 2014
New concepts for courthouse discussed
HOK Industrial Design representatives spoke at the Board of County Commissioner committee meeting today regarding conceptual design for the new courthouse and future expansion of the area. HOK presen…
Mar 11, 2014
Community Briefs March 11
Community Briefs
Santa Rosa County Democrats
The Santa Rosa County Democrats Monthly Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, March 15, from 8 A. M.–1 P. M., at 5746 Stewart Street, Milton. I…
Mar 11, 2014
Volunteers needed for trauma intervention
You can learn how to help victims of crimes, house fires, car wrecks and other life-changing events. A training program will be held in Pensacola beginning at 6 p.m. April 3, for people interested in…