Aug 13, 2015
SRMC reps share facts with Sunrise Kiwanis
Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis welcomed representatives from Santa Rosa Medical Center to their Wednesday morning 7a.m. meeting at Tanglewood Golf Club. Shown receiving the Milton Pride tag holders are …
Aug 10, 2015
Kyle Holley speaks at Sunrise Kiwanis
Kyle Holley, on the right, Director of Development for United Way, is shown receiving the Milton Pride tag holder from Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis President John Stone. Kyle spoke about the Fairgroun…
Jul 27, 2015
Pace High Students Receive Rotary Scholarships
Pace High School graduates, Claire Taylor and Cole Peaden each received $1,000 scholarships from the Rotary Club of Pace. Claire was the recipient of the Principles of Rotary Scholarship and Cole re…
Jul 23, 2015
Troy University recruiter visits Sunrise Kiwanis
Rachel Bonner, Troy University recruiter is shown receiving the Milton Pride tag holder from John Stone, president of Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis. Rachael gave Sunrise Kiwanis background on Troy Univ…
Jul 23, 2015
Allen Foster visits with Milton Rotary
The Milton Rotary Club was visited by Allen Foster who is the executive director of the Northwest Florida Health Network. Foster explained how Northwest Florida Network helps those in rural areas ha…
Jul 2, 2015
Milton Rotary has change of command
The Milton Rotary Club had its change of command ceremony and pictured are the incoming board members along with incoming President Georgieanna Bryant. The Milton Rotary club will be celebrating its…
Jun 25, 2015
Leah Harrison, Children’s Home Society visits with Milton Rotary
The Rotary Club of Milton welcomed Leah Harrison, charitable giving director with the Children's Home Society of Florida. Leah told us about programs the Children's Home Society offer and how they i…
Jun 22, 2015
Walt Reece receives award from Navy League
The Navy League of Santa Rosa County recognizes Walt Reece, vice president of membership development for receiving the Scroll of Honor from the Navy League. The award is the highest on the region, ar…
May 29, 2015
Santa Rosa Art Association helps SRC teachers
The main outreach of the Santa Rosa Art Association, Inc. is providing Santa Rosa County teachers of any discipline with grant money to use art in their curriculum. The grant applications are sent o…
May 29, 2015
RYLA member Alyssa Orman visits with Milton Rotary Club
The Milton Rotary Club welcomed one of their RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) students, Alyssa Orman, as she came to speak to the club about her RYLA experience. Alyssa told us how the weeken…