Aug 24, 2017
Statues don't hurt anybody
Dear editor,
I wish the people to know that the statues around the U.S. do not hurt anybody. The statues have been there for over 100 years. Why do people want to start something that does not hurt…
Aug 21, 2017
Santa Rosa County needs more 'Will Do' groups
Dear editor,
Health care is a major issue in the Milton and Pace area and people need to think about ways to take care of themselves and each other. We don’t need to wait for the federal government…
Aug 21, 2017
On liberalism and statues
Dear editor,
What is the definition of "liberal"? As an adjective, it means "open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.”
"Open to new behavior or opinions" sounds…
Aug 18, 2017
Santa Rosa courthouse site decisions — or lack thereof
Dear editor,
It seems that many of our government agencies and elected officials, particularly the county commissioners, have gone mad, using hard-earned tax monies foolishly to buy land, or put up…
Aug 15, 2017
SPEAK OUT: SRPE was the right choice; impeach Trump
Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline, discussions on and its sister websites.
This is Catherine Miller and I just want to compli…
Aug 15, 2017
The extreme left creates debt
Dear editor,
What is the difference between the extreme political left and right?
The extreme right, as you go farther to the right, is continuously smaller government, which becomes no governmen…
Aug 10, 2017
Does California secession effort have southern roots?
Dear editor,
California leftists are now trying to get on [a] ballot a state bill allowing it to secede from our Union of the States.
I think the petition requires 585,000 signatures for them to …
Aug 10, 2017
Santa Rosa teachers need raises
Dear editor,
If you mention you are a teacher, a common response is “Well, bless your heart!” Because people understand that teaching is both a difficult and important job.
Teachers are told they…
Aug 10, 2017
A blessing for the Good Samaritan at Pace's Publix
Dear editor,
On July 24, 2017, I stopped at the Publix supermarket in Pace around 12 noon.
A few days later, I realized my credit card was missing and after tracing my steps, thought I must have …
Aug 7, 2017
Yes, reconsider courthouse options
Dear editor,
Bill Calfee’s comments [on the Santa Rosa courthouse’s new location] seem to make a lot of sense. I know the commissioners feel a need to move on but eliminating the Pine Forest/Avalo…