Aug 1, 2018
Pandering Tax Dollars for Votes
Dear editor,
Twenty-year incumbent and the fourth most powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives, Joe Crowley of New York State lost his primary election to newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Corte…
Aug 1, 2018
Land-based shark fishing
Dear editor,
I am so tired of seeing all the negativity of LBSF. Let me spell that out for the ignorant people: land-based shark fishing.
Yes their are a few shark fishermen out their that don't …
Jul 27, 2018
Speak Out: Press Gazette readers' calls
Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline. REVOKE THEIR CLEARANCES Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Rice, Haden, McCabe, and others are no longer government employees. President Trump should immediately revoke their security clearance. Revoking it is not political retribution. When I quit my job to get job to get married, my top secret COSMIC clearances automatically […]
Jul 27, 2018
Chris Dosev, the adult in the room
Dear editor,
Letter to the Editor
I met Cris Dosev and Matt Gaetz in the spring of 2017 at a UWF College Republicans dinner. My first impression of Dosev was that he was a genuine man who cared…
Jul 27, 2018
Re-Elect Williamson
Dear editor,
First, Santa Rosa County needs Commissioner Rob Williamson to continue to serve our county. I am not writing to defend this dynamic and hard working young man. I am here to commend him…
Jul 27, 2018
Hypocrisies, Tramps and Thieves
Forty million tax dollars into the Mueller farce of a “Russian collusion investigation,” another TMZ-like story has been unearthed. The heavy-handed, ceremonious and against-all-legal-precedent raid…
Jul 24, 2018
Speak Out: Press Gazette readers' calls
Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline. LET HIM BUILD THE MOTOCROSS PARK I'd like to address Mr. Neptune's request for his Motocross park out there off of Munson highway. I think Mr. Neptune should be granted the Motocross and all of those that oppose the noise, the unwanted population, the littering etc. […]
Jul 24, 2018
Socialism, Communism vs. Capitalism
Dear editor,
The idealistic thought of Democrat socialism is where everyone contributes, and then everyone benefits equally—a doctor earns as much as a trash man—from those contributions within tha…
Jul 24, 2018
What we voters deserve
Dear editor,
First, we voters don’t deserve Robbie Williamson in office with another term. His documented past and present show a lack of character and inability to act responsible in all matters. …
Jul 24, 2018
‘We will bury you’
Some old-timers will remember the quotation, "We will bury you," spoken by Nikita Khrushchev in a speech delivered in Poland in November 1956. He went on to say, "We can say with assurance that your …