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May 8, 2023
I have been a fan of video games for practically my entire life. My parents purchased an Atari 2600 for my brother and me in the early ‘80s and I’ve been hooked on them ever since. I even wrote a weekly column on gaming at my last job that was published across the country for a few years. While I don’t consider myself an expert on the subject, I’m definitely well versed in it.

May 2, 2023
When Santa Rosa County accepted ownership of Navarre Beach Bridge in 2004, it expected to replace the bridge in as few as 10 years. Almost 20 years later, we’re still using the 63-year-old bridge. Not to worry; Florida Department of Transportation bridge inspectors tell us the span is structurally sound.

May 2, 2023
“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” is a terrific Christmas song written in 1963 by Edward Pola and George Wyle. But if I were to rewrite the song today, my version would be centered around May the Fourth. I’m a life-long Star Wars fan. I don’t really need an excuse to celebrate the franchise.

May 2, 2023
It is almost time for high school seniors to graduate and we are taking “Grad Ads” for the paper. This is a good time to congratulate all seniors, or for a business to congratulate seniors that work for you, or churches to congratulate their seniors, etc.

May 1, 2023
“Go to the ant, thou sluggard, and consider her ways, and be wise,” says Proverbs 6:6. I was doing that very thing yesterday afternoon as I did yard work. My hedges desperately needed a haircut. It was my day off, so I spent the morning doing something that I love, playing my guitar. I got to the trimming around 2 p.m. I am a guitar player, not a sluggard.

Apr 25, 2023
Despite a recent cold streak, it feels like winter is over. Finally. In my younger days growing up in a small town in Indiana, I used to love winter.

Apr 25, 2023
Santa Rosa County seems ready to change how it manages parks and recreation. Commission Chairman Colten Wright recently introduced plans to partner with the City of Gulf Breeze to study building a competition-grade aquatic facility and talks about parks and recreation as “quality of life” infrastructure investments; Commissioner Kerry Smith is negotiating a new agreement with the Emerald Coast Sports Association to ensure a successful revival of recreational sports at East Milton Park; and an economic development strategist has advised the county to investigate sports tourism opportunities.

Apr 25, 2023
I was listening to a podcast today while driving to my office. I call my car my traveling university because I use that time to learn. Any business owner will tell you that it is difficult to find people that want to work for their paycheck.

Apr 24, 2023
“God needs you to have a Bible app on your phone,” the in-app ad states. Accompanying that statement is an illustration depicting Jesus with a look of longing. I enjoy playing Sudoku on my smartphone so, as with most free apps, I must occasionally sit through an ad. The above ad is promoting a King James Bible app and it appears regularly.

Apr 24, 2023
I’ve said it about the girls when it comes to weightlifting, and the same can be said about the boys. When it comes to this corner of Northwest Florida, the athletes here dominate the sport.
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